Chapter 32

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I was about to punch Daniel in the face. Of all the people they could send why did it have to be him? No doubt he volunteered for this little task.

"Get out of my house" Becca said speaking for the first time. I almost fell on my back, we all looked at her as if she had grown a second head. She came into the kitchen standing in front of me face to face with Daniel. You could almost see the anger roll off of her in waves

"and what are you going to do if I don't?" He smirked

Becca was fast, I had to take a moment to register what was happening, she grabbed the butcher knife on the counter and held it up to Daniel's neck. Lydia gasped while Marcel tried to calm her.

"You have five seconds to get out of my house or so help me god, I will slit your fucking throat" She snapped with enough venom in her voice to put a king cobra to shame.

"You wouldn't" Daniel said cocky but the fear in his eyes wasn't hard to see

"Do you wanna bet?" She asked pushing the blade of the knife deeper as a droplet of blood, made its way to the blade. He swallowed hard, his eyes glossed with fear.

"Let's go" Richard said pulling him by the collar to the door before basically throwing him out.

"Rebecca, give me the knife" Marcel said slowly. Becca handed the knife to him, her hands shaking. She turned to look at me and right at that moment it was as if the flood gates had pushed open, I could almost pinpoint the moment I saw the agony and pain in her eyes and just like that she let out a mind numbing wail. I grabbed her quickly before she fell to her knees on the floor sobbing, I held her in my arms as we sat on the floor. I cradled her head as she cried. I would sit here all night if I had too as long as she was expressing some sort of emotion instead of sitting on that couch day in and day out with a dead look in her eyes. Richard and Becca's parents gave her some space leaving just the two of us in the kitchen.

"You... Should...Have...Chose him" Becca said in between sobs

"I chose you and I will choose you a million times over" I said softly as she cried

By the time her sobs softened my shirt had been soaked in her tears but it was definitely okay. I looked down and saw she was asleep. Thank god, I was relieved. She looked exhausted. Picking her up gently I carried her up the stairs to our bedroom. I put her down gently, climbing in next to her before covering us.

"Matt" She whimpered

"I'm right here baby" I assured her

"Don't leave me" She pleaded snuggling into me

"I'm not going anywhere" I said softly kissing the top of her head before falling asleep. The best sleep I've had in weeks.

When I woke the next morning, Becca was still asleep, I assumed she'd be asleep for most of the day. So I got up going to take a shower. I was still pretty much exhausted but I had to go see the boys. Val was nice enough to let me see them there on my days, I was afraid that Becca being around them would make her feel indifferent towards them. I got changed going out to see Becca sitting on the edge of the bed looking out of the window.

"You should sleep some more Beck" I said gently going over to her. She looked at me shaking her head no.

"Where are you going?" She asked softly

"To see the boys" I said kneeling in front of her, her face dropped and it looked like she was about to cry

"They haven't been here" She said as a tear escaped "It's all my fault, I'm sorry Matt"

"Shh, it's not your fault" I said taking her face in my hands and wiping her tears. "I just thought it was better if we waited a while"

"I want to see them" She sniffled

"You do?" I asked surprised

"I still love them" She said softly

"Okay, I'll bring them over" I said kissing her head gently before leaving.

When I got to Val and Michaels place the boys were more than excited to see Becca, I knew they missed her. They would ask about her every time I saw them. When we finally got home River ran straight into the house with Cash close on his heels.

"Becca!" They shouted excitedly, she turned around looking at them and for the first time in weeks, she smiled one of those jaw dropping smiles as she leaned down to hug them. For the rest of the day they wouldn't leave her alone. Cash insisted that he sit on her lap all through the day and at dinner he had to be placed next to her. His obsession with her never ended, he even held her hand when he wasn't able to sit in her lap. It was nice to hear her speak, she even laughed at some of River's jokes and I could tell her parents were happy as well but none more so than Richard.

"Well if we knew this, we should have had the boys come over ages ago" Richard said as we watched Becca play a board game with the boys.

"I think its good for her that they're here Matt" Lydia smiled

"I do too" Marcel said "We need to be going back soon so at least we know she's okay"

For the first time in weeks I thought the same but I knew this was far from over. This would take months for her to get over. If not years.

We spent the evening watching movies, River had decided Richard was his new uncle and it seemed that Richard had enjoyed having a new friend, they even referred to themselves as Rich and Riv, the dream team. River sat next to him and Becca's parents while I was more than happy that Becca decided to sit next to me. Cash however would still not leave her lap, not up until he fell asleep. Richard and I carried the boys to their room. I stopped for a minute passing the nursery that would have been for our baby and I couldn't help the sadness. I went in, I wondered what he would look like, if he would have been a happy baby, what his cry would have sounded like. I would have done anything to have him here with us. I sighed leaving the room and closing the door behind me. Becca needed me to be okay and so I would be. I would be anything she needed right now.

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