Chapter 8

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When I got back to the hotel I locked myself in my room with my bottle of tequila, I drank and cried until I eventually passed out.

In the morning there was a knock at my door. I groaned feeling my head throb, this is why I didn't drink tequila

"I brought you some coffee." Val said walking in closing the door behind her.

She sat down handing me the cup.

"Thanks." I mumbled

"I thought you might need it, after last night." She giggled

"Yeah I'm sorry about that by the way." I said taking a sip of the coffee.

"Don't worry about it, we all have shitty pasts." She shrugged "so any way. Matt told me about what happened between you guys." She looked at as I almost spat out my coffee

"Val, I..." I started but she put a hand up stopping me

"I'm not mad." She smiled

"You're not?" I asked confused

"I've known Matt for a very fucking long time. He hasn't looked at me the way he looks at you in years, and in all honesty we're better friends than we ever were partners. So if there is something between you guys and you want to explore it. I'm all for it." She smiled

"I don't actually know what to say right now."

"Well how do you feel about him?" She asked serious

"I'm not sure." I looked down.

"I think you are, you're just not ready to admit it." She laughed "I hope you guys can figure it out." She said before getting up. "See you out there?" She said before closing the door.

I went to shower quickly thinking about what Val said and for the first time I wondered if I had feelings for Matt. If I did, did he feel the same for me? I dressed quickly going out as everyone sat in the living room

"Hey good morning!" Zack shouted "how your head." He laughed

"Pounding like a motherfu..." I stopped myself seeing Matt holding his son
"It hurts." I finished my sentence. Going to the kitchen and pouring another cup of coffee.

"What's your name?" A small version of Matt looked up at me as I sat down on the couch next to Reeve.

"My name's Becca, what's your name?" I asked looking into his brown eyes.

"My names River." he gave me a dimpled smile similar to his father

"Its nice to meet you River." I said honestly

"You're really pretty." He batted his eyelashes at me making everyone including myself laugh.

"Why thank you." I said pretending to be flattered.

"Do you like ice cream?" He asked sitting down next to me.

"Who doesn't like ice cream?" I looked at him

"Daddy, he says I can't have ice cream for breakfast." He looked at Matt.

"He has a point." I looked at Matt "ice creams better for dinner anyway." I said looking at River again.

"That's not helping." Matt said looking at me.

"I'm just being honest." I shrugged as River laughed

"I guess you're in trouble now." He looked up at me showing his dimples again

"I guess so." I took a sip of my coffee.

"Okay, River go get dressed or there's no ice cream for any meal." Matt said getting up he handed the baby to Val.

"Becca this is Cash." She said showing me the baby that looked unbelievably like Matt.

"Cute kid." I said as he smiled showing more dimples, it seemed all the Sanders boys had that damn smile.

"Do you want to hold him?" Val said shoving the baby into my arms before I could say no.

I held him at arms length looking at him.

"His a baby Becca, his not gonna bite you" Matt chuckled

"Are you sure cause I see a tooth?" I looked at the baby, he was freaking cute though, he laughed at me as I looked at him.

"Okay take your kid before I have a damn heart attack." I said handing the baby back to Val as everyone else laughed "Babies make me nervous." I said defending myself.

"You'll get used to it." Brian said looking at me. "This one's not so bad." He smiled at Cash.

We spent the day going around London sightseeing. I walked behind everyone as we made our way through London. After we'd taken a group photo at Big Ben, Matt walked next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked as we walked

"Yes" I nodded smiling up at him.

"I'm sorry last night was hard for you" he looked down.

"Its okay, I shouldn't have let them get under my skin" I shrugged.

"Its understandable Beck, you've been through a lot." Matt's eyes were soft "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yes" I nodded

"Is he the reason you've given up on love?" He asked, that was not the question I was expecting

"Daniel was my first love, I loved him so much, I didn't think there was anything that could tear us apart." I looked down "He took my virginity, he meant everything to me. So yes, he is the reason"

"I'm sorry that your first experience with love was like that." Matt looked at me as we stopped walking "Its not all like that you know? Love can be amazing if it's with the right person"

"How do you find the right person?" I asked

"You have to give it a chance" He gave me small smile

"Smile you two" Val called smiling. We turned to face her as Matt put his arm around my waist as we smiled for the photo. My smile was a hundred percent genuine at that moment, Matt's touched seemed to bring all sorts of feelings out in me.

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