Chapter 20

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I stood looking at myself in front of the mirror, I was more than nervous at the reactions we would receive tonight. I've already brought so much pain and shame to my family and I was nervous that being with Matt would cause more of  that. 

"You look beautiful Becca" My dad said coming into the room. 

My family had arrived about two days ago and I was happy they were here, I had missed them so much and I was glad that they could spend this evening with me. 

"Thank you daddy" I smiled taking one last look at myself. I wore a long black satin dress that flared at the waist, the dress made a deep v at the neckline and a high slit up to my thigh. My hair was curled and pinned to the top of my head with a few strands hanging loose. I looked good even if I might say so myself. Grabbing a clutch I made my way downstairs with my dad close behind me. As expected my mom cried when she saw me, Richie smiled brightly and Matt, well Matt looked at me as though I was the only person in the room. It wasn't long until Michael, Val, Reeve and Ella joined us along with their parents. We made our way to the Whammys and the closer we got the more nervous I got. I started picking at my fingers before Matt took my hand stopping me, he looked incredibly handsome in his tux and I felt myself churning with hungerful lust everytime I looked at him.

When we arrived there were so many people that I thought I might actually pass out. Cameras flashed our way and people called our names. Someone with a headset and a clipboard escorted our parents while the rest of us walked the red carpet. My stomach was tied in knots, I didn't know where to look, the bright flashes, people calling my name, everything was completely overwhelming. I did my best trying to stay calm.

"You're doing fine" Matt whispered in my ear kissing me on the cheek making me smile.

I took some photos with Michael and Reeve and then some more with Matt and even some with Val and Ella. When it was over I sighed in relief, but now there was more to come. We made our way inside, I sat next to Matt, Brian Zack and Johnny all sat with their partners to Matt's left, while Michael and Reeve sat with Val and Ella to my left and our families behind us, including Matt's family, his mom refused to even acknowledge my presence.

Avenged Sevenfold won many of the awards, I watched in awe how easy it was for Matt to go up there and do his thing. It wasn't long before we had to perform and that was something I could do, Michael took my hand helping up the stairs as we got on stage, people cheered and clapped and I was almost shocked, I thought for sure they would boo me off the stage.

I sang my fucking heart out and the guys played their heart out and I couldn't help but be proud. The night was actually turning out to be a good one. Or so I thought... when my name was called for vocalist of the year I was in complete shock, I was sure I wouldn't win this one.

"I guess I should have listened when Michael told me to write a speech" I said into the microphone and people actually laughed at my dumb little opening. "Never in my life have I thought that I would be up here accepting this award and I'm truly grateful to everyone that helped me get here" I said honestly looking up, I wish I hadn't because when I did my eyes met a pair of blue ones looking back at me, a pair of eyes I didn't ever want to see again in my life. Daniel and Jacky sat behind my parents and I had absolutely no idea why they were here or how they even got in. Michael, Matt and Reeve must have noticed as my blood ran cold, I had no idea what my expression held. They turned back to see who I was looking at and pure rage crossed each of their faces.

"Ignore him" Michael's lips said silently, a trick we had learned to do when we were fifteen so that we could have secret conversation.

"I wouldn't have been able to do this if it wasn't for Michael and Reeve, I owe every bit of success to them and my family. They believed in me when no one else would and I'll forever be in their debt for that." I finished my speech as everyone clapped, Michael and Reeve being the loudest which made me smile. The both wrapped me in a bear hug when I got back, making me laugh. Matt gave me a gentle kiss as I sat down and my mom dad and Richie leaned forward congratulating me.

At the after party I made a b-line towards Daniel and Jacky, I wanted to know what they were doing here. 

"Why are you here?" I asked as venom poured from my words 

"Hello to you too Becca" he smiled 

"Fuck you, what are you doing here?" I snapped 

"Jacky, go get me a drink" He said to her, she nodded her head walking inside. "Did you really think I'd miss your big moment baby?" He smiled stroking my face. 

I smacked his hand away repulsed by his touch, he laughed a dark laugh. I think he might have been a little drunk by what I could tell. 

"Come on Becks, I know you still want me" He grabbed me by the waist holding me against him, by the smell of his breath he was definitely drunk. 

"Get off me!" I shouted pushing him away, he didn't like this I could see by his eyes. 

"You better get used to having me around Becca, since your record label hired me to be their new attorney." He said smug as my blood ran cold "So you will give me what I want" He grabbed me with force, I fought against his grip but he was too strong, his hold on my wrist got tighter, I cried out as pain shot up through my arm from his tight grip. Turning me so that my back was against his chest, he held both my hands in his and with his free hand he moved under my dress through the slit and into my panties touching me, hot tears streamed from my face as I fought against him feeling utterly violated.

"Still as fucking tight as I remember" he whispered into my ear as he inserted a finger in me, I cried out at his harsh movement, my heart beating rapidly. His grip loosened slightly giving me opportunity. With all my strength I pushed my arm back elbowing him in the gut. He let go of me as he bent holding his ribs. I got up running as fast as I could away from him while tears poured down my face.

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