Chapter 18

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I woke up to soft kisses on my neck, smiling I opened my eyes to see Matt hovering above me.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" He asked not sorry at all.

"This is a nice way to wake up" I laughed as he continued kissing down my neck. He moved down to my collarbone trailing kisses on each side.
"As much as I'd like to replay last night's events, I need coffee" I kissed his cheek pushing him off of me.

"Fine" He rolled his eyes making me laugh as he pretended to have a little tantrum. He got out of bed pulling on his boxers and handing me his shirt, I pulled it over my head, it fit more like a dress on me than anything else. Matt was a lot bigger than I was but then again, most things were.

We walked downstairs hand in hand, last night was incredible it's been five years since I last had sex, which was with Daniel and I can honestly say that sex with Matt was so much better. When we got down to the kitchen we stopped dead in our tracks, both of us shocked at the scene of a naked Michael and Val going at it on the kitchen counter. That was a sight I didn't need to see.

"Oh my God!" Val gasped when she saw us, Michael pushed her behind him and covered his downstairs member looking at us shyly. I didn't know whether to laugh or bury my head.

"Clothes" Matt said as Michael nodded quickly, the two of them running past us giggling. I looked up at Matt trying to see if this had some sort of effect on him.

"I didn't see that one coming" He said amused going over to get us coffee

"That doesn't bother you?" I asked as he handed me a cup

"No, why would it?" He titled his head with a slight smile on his face

"Dude's fucking your wife" I shrugged

"and I'm fucking you. So what is there to be upset about?" he shrugged "I'm more upset that Michaels dick might have touched my counter" He smiled showing off his dimples that made my knees weak. I walked over to him climbing into his lap with my legs on either side of him so that I was straddling him, I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him deeply.

"What on earth did I do to deserve that?" He smiled when I pulled away from the kiss, his arm still wrapped around my waist.

"I just felt like it" I smiled

"Well in that case" He said kissing me again, his hands going up my his shirt, that I had on, caressing my back. His touch sending heat through me.

We pulled away from the kiss as Michael cleared his throat at the entrance of the kitchen. I turned to look at him with the biggest smile on my face.

"Beck we need to get going, Reeve is waiting for us" He looked down blushing

"Okay, let me get dressed quickly." I said hopping off of Matt's lap before going up to the bedroom. I put my clothes on from the night before not bothering with shoes before going downstairs where Michael waited for me. Matt kissed me deeply once again before we left.

"So, you and Val, when did that happen?" I asked as we drove to Reeves house

"London" He said blushing

"What!" I laughed shocked "Why didn't you tell me?"

"There was nothing to tell, we started talking in London and well things just sort of progressed" he shrugged "Did you have sex with Matt last night?"

"I did" I smiled at the memory

"Well spill, I want details" He smiled brightly

"It was amazing! Best sex I've ever had"

"Well you've only been with Daniel, I don't think you have enough experience to compare"

"trust me, it was incredible"

"I'll take your word for it" He smiled

The drive wasn't too long, we got to Reeve's house letting ourselves in.

"Hey Reevie" I smiled giving him a hug

"You're in a good mood, I hardly ever receive hugs" He said surprised hugging me back

"She got laid last night" Michael said casually going to pour a cup of coffee

"Nice" Reeve smiled giving me a high five

"Reevie, guess what?" I smirked at him

"What?" He asked amused

"Michaels fucking Val" I giggled

"No fucking way!" Reeve looked at Michael shocked

"Yes, Matt and I walked in on them" I wiggled my brows

"Yeah okay, we had sex, its not a big thing" Michael rolled his eyes

"Seems everyone is having sex besides me" Reeve took a sip of his coffee

"When's Ella coming?" Michael asked

"When she's done with her finals"

Ella was studying to be a nurse which was really great, she would make a great nurse. She was warmhearted and kind.

"Okay well lets get to work, I'm hungover and need a nap" Michael said before we went down to Reeves basement that he converted into a music room. I did the same after stealing the idea from him.

We got about an hour of writing done before all of our phones started buzzing with notifications.

"Well there goes that" Michael sighed annoyed, the three of us took out our phones looking at the notifications.

"Holy shit" Reeve said saying what we were all thinking. I read the post on my phone three times over not believing it.

Whammy Nominees: Dark Harlot

- Best live band
- Album of the year
- Vocalist of the year (Becca Summers)
- Best on stage duo (Becca Summers and Michael De Wet)
- Best stage presence (Reeve Klein)

"Is this real?" Michael asked

"I think so" I said my hands shaking, this was the first time in five years that we'd been nominated for anything.

"This calls for a drink" Reeve said as we followed him downstairs, he opened a bottle of whiskey pouring into three tumblers

This was probably one of the most incredible days of my life.

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