Chapter 7

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We finished up the interview and headed to sound check. Becca decided to stay at the venue as we went to fetch the girls and I was more than excited to see my kids.

River ran to me the moment he saw me, I gave him a massive hug and then walked over to Val as she passed me Cash.

"Hey," I said giving her a hug. We all headed back to the hotel to get ready for the show. Becca had left us a note that she'd meet us at the venue. After our show, I stood watching hers and she seemed to loose herself in the music. I imagined she must have been feeling extremely uncomfortable with everyone being coupled up. It was just her and Michael that were single right now and I felt bad because more than anything I wanted to be the one coupled up with her.

Ella, Reeve's girlfriend gave Becca a massive hug as she came off stage. The girls stood there chatting for a bit before we all headed out to dinner. Val and I got a sitter for the boys before we left. We sat at a large booth, Becca sat opposite me and Val, next to Ella and Reeve.

"So Becky which one of these poor bastards are you taking home tonight?" Ella asked looking around.

"None of them" She said downing a shot of tequila

"Come on Becca, you could have any guy in here." Ella pushed.

"Except the one I want." She mumbled taking another shot.

"Come on Becky." Ella nagged

"Hey Mike is also single why aren't you trying to set him up?" She looked at Ella

"Because Michael's an emotional Robot." Ella rolled her eyes.

"Hey!" Mike said looking at her making us laugh.

"No offense." Ella put up her hands "Besides Michael is not my bestie you are." She smiled

"You're super sweet but honestly El, I'm really not interested in anyone." Becca looked at me quickly and looked away again when my eyes met hers. I watched as Becca looked at the door when her face paled.

"Christ" She muttered her eyes wide, she looked around panicky "Fuck, fuck, fuck"

"What?" Michael asked as we all looked at her confused

"Daniel" She said putting her head down as Michael and Reeve looked back.

"Who is Daniel?" Val asked thinking the same thing as me

"Looks like you're about to find out" Ella sighed.

"Well if it isn't dark harlot" A blonde haired man with blue eyes came over to where we sat. Daniel I'm assuming, he wore a suit with a black coat, the girl next to him had black curly hair, they both looked a little too preppy.

"Daniel, Jacky" Michael greeted while Reeve held on to his beer a bit too tightly

"I didn't know you guys were in town, you should have called" Daniel smiled "How long are you guys staying, maybe we can have dinner?"

"Why don't you guys join us?" Johnny asked as Reeve, Michael and Becca shot him a look that said 'What the fuck?'

"We'd love to" The girl Jacky said smiling, Johnny moved up and so did Val and myself as Jacky sat down with Daniel next to her. A waitress came over.

"I'll have a water please" Jacky ordered "I can't drink, I'm pregnant" She smiled smug at Becca

"More Tequila miss?" The waitress asked Becca

"Just bring me the bottle" She said quickly

"How long are you guys here for?" Daniel asked after we were all introduced

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