Chapter 9

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I sat in the airport lounge as we were about to leave London. Once again our flight was delayed. I watched Becca pace up and down, she looked like her mind was far away.

"What's going on with you?" Brian asked sitting down next to me.

"Nothing" I raised a brow

"You're basically drooling at Becca, you and Val seemed off. So I'll ask you again, what's going on with you?" Brian smirked

"You know very well about what's going on between me and Val. I'm sure Michelle has told you" I sighed of course Val's twin sister told Brian "Val has filed for divorce"

"I'm sorry Matt" He looked down

"Nothing to be sorry about. It's better this way" I shrugged

"You're happy with this?" He raised a brow

"I didn't want it to end this way but I'm content with it"

"What about Becca?"

"What about her?" I looked over at her again

"Come on Matt" He sighed

"I think I have feelings for her." I ran my hands through my hair. "I can't get her out of my mind."

"How does she feel about you?"

"I'm not sure" I looked at him

"Maybe you should find out then" Brian tapped me on the shoulder before getting up.

He was right, I thought that maybe after a few days I'd get over it but the more time I was around her the more I was falling for her. I decided it was time, I walked over to her. She stopped pacing when she saw me and gave me one of those mind blowing smiles.

"Hey Matt" She said as I approached her

"Hey, can we talk for a moment?"

"Sure is everything okay?" She asked as we walked to a secluded part of the airport.

"I'm not sure Beck" I sighed. What was I even supposed to say?

"What's wrong?" She furrowed her brow, my god she was beautiful.

"I don't actually know how to start" I took a breath trying to calm my racing heart "I have feelings for you Beck" I blurted. She was quite for a moment, she opened her mouth several times to say something but closed it again. An array of emotions spread across her face until she smiled up at me.

"I think I might have feelings for you too" She said softly which brought the biggest smile to my face. "But I don't know if I can act on those feelings"

"Why not?" I asked

"Well for starters you're married and I'm... well I'm scared" her hazel eyes scanned mine.

"Val's filing for divorce once she gets back to California" I looked at her, her face softened slightly and then set in a sad frown

"I'm so sorry Matt" She said before hugging me. This surprised me, Becca had a beautiful heart.

"Its better this way" I smiled at her. "I know you're scared Beck and I know you've been hurt but I'd really like you to give me a chance"

"I just need some time Matt" She looked at me apologetically

"Take all the time you need" what else could I say?

"Thank you Matt" She smiled softly giving me a kiss on the cheek before she walked away. I touched the spot on my cheek that tingled with her kiss.

We waited another two hours before finding out that our plane would only leave tomorrow. We found a hotel close to the airport, the only problem was that there was only four rooms open.

"Becca's the only girl so she should take the single room" Johnny said as we stood in the hallway

"I say Matt and Becca should bunk, myself and Michael, Zacky and Reeve, and you can take the single short shit." Brian said playfully smacking Johnny across the back of the head

"Sounds good to me" Michael smiled

"Whatever, I'm tired. I don't really care" Becca sighed before going up to the room we were sharing. I followed her in, I guess we'd be sharing a bed tonight and I was pleased with the idea.

"I'm going to shower" She said putting her bags down and going into the bathroom. "Join me?" She said at the door

"I don't know if that's a good idea" even though I wouldn't mind.

"Why?" She smirked "I'm sure you've seen a woman naked before" she walked into the bathroom. I stood speechless for a moment. "Come Matthew"

"Yes ma'am" I smiled pulling my shirt over my head and removing my pants before joining her in the shower. I couldn't help but take in the view of her body. My God she was gorgeous.

"See, what's so bad about this?" She smirked at me

"Nothing at all" I said a little dumbstruck

"What are you thinking about?" She asked stroking my face, her touch burned hot over my skin

"Honestly?" I asked and she nodded with a playful smile "thinking of my grandmother so my dick doesn't get hard"

Becca rolled her head back laughing loudly which made me laugh in return. "Well you looking at my boobs isn't going to help that" She smiled.

"What do you expect me to do?" I laughed

"Kiss me" She smirked

"Well that's not going to help at all" I said a bit more serious

"Well I mean if you don't want to" She smirked, I didn't say anything after that, I took her face into my hands and brought my lips down to hers kissing her deeply. She kissed me back and our lips danced together. My hands traveled down her hips over ass, I lifted her and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I carried her out to the bedroom, laying her down gently on the bed, she tangled her hands in my hair as I kissed down her neck, over her sweet spot. She moaned softly, god her moan was going to drive me insane. Her body pressed against me as I hovered on top of her. I wanted every part of her but again this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. I pulled away from the kiss, making Becca sigh with disappointment. It didn't take long for her face to soften.

"Lets get some sleep." She said softly getting under the covers and as much as I wanted more that's all we did. Naked pressed against each other and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the best sleep I've ever had.

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