Chapter 24

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Things were moving quickly and I felt like I was struggling to keep up. By week fourteen of my pregnancy I began to show, which made me worried. It was still so early in my pregnancy how could I have been showing already? The doctor assured me that it was normal and every pregnancy was different. We kind of didn't have a choice anymore, we had to tell people including my parents. They were both genuinely happy and so was Richard, he couldn't stop going on about how spoilt his little nephew would be. Oh yes, Richard firmly believed I was carrying a boy. I wasn't too sure but it didn't matter. The strangest thing happened when Matt told his parents, his mother would not leave me alone. She was at my house almost everyday, she even walked in on Matt and I during one of our couch sessions which was more than embarrassing. Michael and Reeve were both genuinely happy as well. Ella however was a little mad because my bridesmaid dress would have to be altered. Ella and Reeve had decided that they wanted to get married on her parents anniversary so that left very little time for planning. River was excited to have a new brother or sister, he said this made us real family and Cash well he was about as excited as a three year old could be. I must admit, I had way too much fun at his birthday party, and way too much cake as well. Val wouldn't stop gushing over my bump, touching it as often as she could.

"I think it's a girl" Matt said as we laid naked in bed his head on thigh with his hand rubbing over my bump.

"What makes you think that?" I asked feeling sleepy

"I just have a feeling." He said softly kissing my bump as my eyes fluttered closed. Sleep was all I wanted these days. Overall though I was excited to meet my baby.

When I woke the next morning Matt was already out of bed. I groaned because I wanted cuddles. Putting on my silk robe I went downstairs to find him

"Good morning beautiful" He smiled as I came into the kitchen

"What's good about it?" I grumbled

"Are you in a mood?" He asked with playful smile

"I needed to be cuddled and my boyfriend was not there to cuddle me" I huffed

"Your boyfriend is sincerely sorry but he did get you beagles for breakfast" he smiled handing me a plate with two cream cheese beagles on it. My eyes lit up with joy. I took a large bite of the beagle moaning as I tasted it, Matt laughed putting a cup of tea down next to me.

"Can I get some tomato sauce?" I asked

"What?" He raised a brow "I'm not sure how to make tomato sauce but I can try" He said grabbing a tomato making me laugh

"Gosh, what do you Americans call it?" I asked the word which I had completely forgotten. Giving up on remembering what the American word was I just walked over to the fridge grabbing the bottle.

"Ketchup?" Matt laughed

"That's it!" I smiled pouring some out on my plate dunking my beagle into it.

"Why tomato sauce?" Matt asked

"Its made from tomatoes duh" I rolled my eyes bringing my attention back to my beagle.

After breakfast I went to shower, I pulled on a gray rolling stone t-shirt with a pink skirt and some sneakers. Doing my hair into a messy bun, I didn't have the energy to deal.

"Where are you going?" Matt asked when I came down

"I need to go to the label" I said grabbing my bag and giving him a kiss before I left.

I didn't spend much time at the label because of Daniel hanging around. I just had to meet the producer, tell him about what we were working on and then leave. Hopefully all this could be done without me bumping into Daniel, but fate was not on my side.

"You look ridiculous" He scoffed standing in front of me.

"and you look like a douchebag" I smiled before walking away

"I guess I'll see you at the wedding" He called after me.

As much as I wanted to turn and stare at him in shock I carried on walking as if I didn't hear a thing. When I got done with the producer, I made my way straight to Reeve.

"You invited Daniel?" I snapped in rage as I entered

"Woah" Reeve said looking at me shocked

"Why?" I asked fuming

"I didn't want to, Ella's dad made us invite him, his doing business with Daniel's father okay" Reeve put his hands up

"and you couldn't say no?" I shouted

"No, You know how Ella's parents are" He sighed, I tried to calm myself a little, Ella's parents were very controlling.

I sighed sitting down, I don't know why Daniel had such a horrible effect on me.

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