Chapter 28

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I sat on the tour bus reading a magazine, saying goodbye to Matt was hard but it would only be two weeks I said to myself. Our first show was Arizona and I slept most of the way there, being pregnant and on tour was exhausting I spent most of my time eating and sleeping while Michael and Reeve did most of the partying without me.

"Becca, let's answer some fan questions." Reeve said as we drove to Las Vegas from Arizona. We'd been doing the live social media posts most of the week, the questions weren't too personal like I'd feared and I found myself wondering if Matt watched any of it. He called me everyday and we tried to speak for as long as possible before we had to go on stage or he had to do something with the boys, It was hard and I shuddered to think of what it'd be like if we went on tour for longer. I missed him endlessly and all I wanted to do was snuggle up against him.

When we got to Vegas, the boys hit the casino immediately and I well to be honest I went straight to the buffet, I blamed it on the pregnancy.

"Hello?" I answered my phone when Matt called

"Hey, how is Vegas?" He asked sounding happy

"Great, I mean as great as it can be with no alcohol or sex." I laughed

"Just don't go getting married to Michael" He laughed

"I'll really try not to." I joked "What are you doing tonight?" I asked

"We're taking the boys out for dinner." Matt said quickly

"Oh, that sounds nice. I'm sure they're going to enjoy it." I smiled

"Yeah, I think they're just going for the dessert to be honest." Matt laughed

"It makes sense." I giggled

"I miss you." He said seriously now

"I miss you too. But I'll be home soon." I smiled

After this show we only had one more in San Francisco then we would be going home. Reeve would fly straight back to Cape Town and Michael hired a car for us to drive back down to Long Beach. The next morning Reeve brought me some tea after I threw up for what felt like hours. We sat on the couch at the hotel talking.

"Sixteen weeks, are you excited?" He asked

"I am, I already love it with all my heart" I smiled

"I'm happy for you Becks" Reeve put his arm around me "I think it's a girl" He shrugged "Matt's already got two boys I think he needs a girl."

"I think he needs to go get fucked." Michael said walking in, he threw the paper down on my lap before walking out into the hallway. I picked up the paper reading the headline

"What crawled up his ass?" Reeve asked

"This." I showed him the paper

"Matt and Val's sexy secret date." The headline read.

"That can't be true." Reeve said reading the article

"Its not, it's probably taken out of context." I rolled my eyes going to talk to Michael

"Surley you don't believe that crap do you?" I asked closing the door behind me.

"Well how do I know it isn't true." He sulked

"Its not. Why would they do that?"

"I don't know Becca, they were married, they have a history." Mike shrugged

"Exactly, they were married, if they wanted to be together they would have stayed married." I said harshly

"Uhm Beck?" Reeve said from behind me

"Hang on." I told him Without looking

"Seriously Becca why can't you just see it the way I do?" Michael asked looking at me

"Because if I do then I can't trust Matt, and I can't do that. If I believe that damn paper then that means Matt doesn't love me and I refuse to believe that." I said folding my arms

"Does he love you Becca?" Mike spat

"Yes I think he does." I said confident

"Has he told you?" He looked at me again

"No." I said quietly

"Then I wouldn't be so confident in him." Michael said before walking away.

"Uhm Beck, Matt's on the phone for you." Reeve said still standing behind me

I turned looking at him. "Did he hear all that?" I asked sighing

"Pretty much." Reeve said handing me the phone.

"Hey." I said trying to sound neutral.

"Hey." Matt said, God it was so good to hear his voice

"So I take it you've seen the paper this morning." He said without any emotion

"Yeah, pretty much." I shrugged

"You know it's not true right?"

"Yeah Matt I know don't worry." I smiled

"Good. I can't wait to see you." I heard him smile

"Me too. It's just a few more days." I said excited

"Beck you know I do love..."

"I know Matt." I said quickly cutting him off "Tell me in person okay" I smiled to myself

"Okay." He said smiling too I imagine.

It's been six months since we met and so much had happened in these six months, I found it funny that during all the little moments Matt and I had together we never found the right one to say that we loved each other and then I wondered if I did it on purpose, was I capable of saying those words to someone? Was I capable of hearing them?

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