Chapter 26

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"Hey, where's Matt?" My dad asked coming over to me

"Bathroom I think" I smiled.

"So then what do you say? Wanna dance with me?" My dad smiled at me.

"To this?" I asked laughing

"Yes why not?" He offered me his hand "What are you too famous to dance with you dad now?" He asked grinning

"Of course not." I said taking his hand as my father led me to dance to a maroon five song.

"I know Maroon five," I said as we danced

"Its not nice to name drop Becky" He laughed

"Sorry." I smiled

"Becca you've always been too honest." My dad said "I sometimes used to wonder if you were a sociopath."

"Gee thanks dad." I rolled my eyes

"And then I heard you play music and I said thank God." He smiled

"As apposed to what?" I laughed "Seriel killer?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well yes exactly." He said seriously "You're a musician Becca a good one but you're not a very emotional stable one."

"So now I'm crazy?" I asked loudly

"No Becca, you're just a little emotionally retarded as Richard likes to put it." He shrugged

"Dad do you have a point because you've literally just told me I'm crazy and retard." I looked at him

"My point is Matt his a good person for you Beck." He smiled "Don't fuck it up." He added sternly

"I know he is." I smiled

"You should marry him." My father said quickly

"What?" I asked again loudly

"Well you love him don't you?" My father asked

"Yes I do." I said honestly

"Then marry him." My father said

"Are you crazy?" I asked

"You're already having his baby, why not?" He asked

"I'm not ready to get married." I said honestly "I do love Matt but I haven't told him yet." I looked down

"Jesus Christ! You're having a baby and you haven't said it yet?" My father said too loudly now.

"Shhhh" I said meeting the awkward glances of those around us.

"You better go say it" my father said as the song ended. I nodded now was as best time as any, I thought to myself as I walked out looking for Matt

"Becca!" Daniel slurred coming towards me.

"Are you drunk?" I asked as he followed me as I looked for Matt, I was nervous understandably considering the last time I encountered a drunk Daniel

"Its a wedding Becca, obviously I'm drunk" He rolled his eyes

"Well go away, I'm busy" I snapped

"I fucking hate you, do you know that?" He asked with so much venom in his voice

"Yeah well the feeling is mutual, now go away" I tried to walk away from him.

"Hahaha absolutely not" He said with a dark chuckle, grabbing my arm and pulling me with him.

"Let go of me you fucking psycho" I snapped as we reached outside

"You think you're so much better than everyone Becca, the most talented musician that ever lived. Well you're not" He was angry I could tell by the dark look in his eyes "You're just a dumb little slut" He spat clutching my neck with one hand squeezing. I scratched against his arm as the air began to leave my lungs.

"Get your fucking hands off of my sister" Richard growled coming from behind me.

"Or what Richie? Are you gonna fight me?" Daniel laughed loosening his grip "You and what army?"

"I think we'd all fucking help him now get your fucking hands off of her" I heard Matt's voice say, I couldn't see him as he was behind me and black dots were clouding my vision.

Daniel let go of me and I fell to the ground clutching my now burning throat, Matt came over to me bending down "Are you okay?"

I nodded not trusting my voice

"I am going to kill you Becca and that bastard you're carrying inside of you" Daniel said calmly before walking away. Matt got up to go after him bit Richard stopped him.

"Not worth it" Richard shaked his head before coming over to me, he helped me up off of the ground and it was surface to say that I wasn't enjoying the wedding any more.

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