Chapter 2

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I sat next to Val outside, it was a warm evening. Becca sat across from me with Reeve on her left and Michael the lead guitarist on her right.

"So are you guys married or in a relationship?" Val asked before taking a sip of her beer. 

"I have a girlfriend back home, she comes down for about six months at a time and then if we're not working on anything I'll go home for a bit." Reeve answered smiling, he had been smiling most of the time I saw him. 

"Well that's nice, what about you Michael?" Val looked at him, the look she gave him was weird, I couldn't tell what she was thinking, I chose to ignore it, looking back at Becca, my eyes had been glued to her since the moment she walked through the door. 

"Currently single" Michael nodded 

"What about you Becca?" Val looked at her, a question I was dying to know the answer to. 

"Oh no, I'm not in any sort of relationship." She smiled, god her smile sent chills down my spine. 

"Becca has commitment issues." Mike laughed putting his arm around her. I envied him for being able to touch her. 

"That's interesting." Val said looking at her, again the look Val gave her I couldn't place. "Do you not want to be in love?" 

"I've been in love." She looked down "Its painful and pointless." Becca took a big sip of her whiskey. "It's okay though, relationships are not for everyone." She smiled but her smile didn't meet her eyes.

"Well neither is marriage if it makes you feel any better." Val said explaining to them our situation. The three of them stayed silent as Val told our story and for the first time in the last year that Val and I had been separated, I didn't feel sadness. 

As the night passed people started heading out, Val gave me a kiss on the cheek before she left to go get the boys. Reeve had left and Michael and Zacky passed out somewhere. It seemed to be just me and Becca and I had a million things I wanted to ask her, but the moment she looked at me I had nothing all I could do was look at her.

"Do you really not want to fall in love?" I asked as we sat on the pool loungers watching the sun come up.

"I don't think so" She looked at me "I am happy with my life as it is." I didn't say anything, I just looked at her beautiful glowing face. "Don't look at me like that" She laughed slightly 

"Like what?" I asked, her laugh making me smile. 

"With pity." she said softly "I don't need a relationship to complete me." 

"This is not a look of pity" I leaned back on the lounger "Its a look of admiration" 

"Oh" She blushed, which just happened to be the cutest thing I'd ever seen. 

"Have you always wanted to be a singer?" 

"No, I've always wanted to be in a band, I never wanted to be a vocalist though." She smiled "I wanted to be a drummer" 

"A drummer!" I laughed surprised. 

"Yes!" She laughed with me "The guys decided we needed a vocalist more than a drummer, so here I am" 

"Its a good thing too." I said honestly "I happen to like your voice" 

"M.Shadows likes my voice?" She looked at me with the brightest smile on her face "I might actually be having a fan girl moment" She laughed. 

Her laugh was contagious it brightened everything around me. We spent the rest of the night talking about music as we watched the sun come up. 

When I got home I stood in the shower for a moment remembering every minute with her, when I was around her I could feel the blood flow through me and when she looked at me with her big hazel eyes I felt as though she knew exactly what I was thinking as if she knew who I was, her eyes gripped my soul and sometimes it felt like it was hard to breath as if I was drowning in her and the only thing that could save me was her.

I said goodbye to the boys before making my way to the airport, I looked forward to seeing Becca again and going back on the road. We sat around in the airport lounge, irritated that our flight was delayed by an hour. Michael pulled out his guitar and started strumming a song, it wasn't long until Becca started singing along to the melody.

"Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you"

It wasn't long until they gained the attention of passers by, people stood around watching in awe as the two of them played together. They had a chemistry not many musicians had. I looked at Becca as she sang the lyrics, I hung on every word she sang, I had never heard anything more beautiful in my life. I looked at her as my body itched to be pressed up against her. I looked around and noticed that it wasn't just me that had been drawn to her, Brian our lead guitarist, Zacky and Johnny the bassist all sat at the edge of their seats hypnotized by her melodic voice. People around the airport clapped as she finished the song. She smiled looking around, and then her eyes met mine for a moment and passion burned in them, I'd seen that look before a few years ago in my friend Jimmy who passed away, he too was a brilliant musician.

"For someone who doesn't want to fall in love, you sure as hell know how to deliver a love song" Johnny said still dumbstruck.

"I wouldn't be where I am if I didn't." She winked at him.

I watched as Becca took a sip of water while pacing around the airport lounge, when they called our flight we got up excited. The ten hour flight to Brazil had felt longer than it should have. When we landed there were a bunch of fans that met us at the airport, we all stopped taking pictures and signing autographs. I was relieved to know that  when we got to the hotel, we wouldn't have to share rooms and we all got our own. The suite had enough bedrooms for each of us a small living area which was connected to each of our rooms. 

Jet lagged we picked out our rooms, Becca's room was next to mine and I'd be lying if I said I didn't choose that room on purpose. We were here for two days and tomorrow after the show we would be going to Portugal. It was the first of many nights come on this tour and I was in deep trouble 



Thank you for reading  :) 
All comments are welcome and appreciated. 

Song: 'Can't help falling in love - Hayley Reinhart version

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