Chapter 22

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Three months had passed since the Whammy awards, I tried not to let Daniel ruin the whole memory of that night. It wasn't all bad, just that part.

"Becca?" Reeve said bringing me out of my thoughts

"I asked if you and Matt will be there tonight?" He tilted his head

"Of course. We wouldn't miss it for the world" I smiled

"What's going on with you? You seem all dazed and deep in thought" Reeve took a sip of his coffee as his brown eyes looked me over

"Nothing, I'm just nervous about asking Matt to move in with me" I lied. Well it wasn't all a lie, I did want ask Matt but that was not the reason for my current crisis. See three months ago about two weeks after the whammys my period was supposed to start, when it didn't I assumed it was due to the stress Daniel had caused, it wouldn't be the first time I'd missed a period due to stress. When it didn't come the next month I became slightly more anxious but again it could have just been stress. I couldn't be pregnant, I went for my birth control shots every three months, I wrote it off as impossible but when it didn't come this month that anxiety quickly came back and now I had no excuse. The first thing I did was check my calendar and there it was plain as day light, I had missed my last shot because we were on tour. I had to take a test and so I did, it was positive obviously, so two days ago I visited a doctor and here I am, twelve weeks pregnant and no idea what to do. I hadn't told anyone obviously but I wouldn't have much longer. I'd already noticed a small little bump start to form almost as if I were bloated. I was nervous for tonight especially, Reeve would be proposing to Ella and we'd all be celebrating after, it was going to be suspicious if I didn't drink. I contemplated telling Matt but I couldn't tonight, tonight was about Reeve and Ella and I couldn't steal that moment from them. Also, I was scared, how was Matt going to react? We'd only been together for five months, we didn't live together, I didn't know if he wanted a baby, I mean, Cash was still so young. The whole thought of it gave me anxiety.

"Hey guys" Matt said coming into the kitchen, he kissed me on the cheek

"Your girlfriend is weird" Reeve said shaking his head getting up

"And beautiful" Matt smiled making my fucking knees weak.

"Whatever" Reeve rolled his eyes "don't be late, I'll see you later" he said before leaving.

"Matt?" I asked as soon as I heard the front door close

"Yes my love?" He smiled kissing me once more on the cheek before pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Maybe you should move in here" I said quickly, Matt brought his coffee over and sat down next to me.

"That would make sense" He smiled "but it won't work"

I couldn't help the disappointment I felt. I was pregnant and he didn't want to move in with me, what the fuck was I supposed to do now?

"Why not?" I asked trying to keep my voice from breaking

"It's not big enough" He said casually taking a sip of his coffee

"There's enough room for the boys to each have their own" I was confused

"Yes but what if your parents come to visit? Where would they sleep?" He tilted his head.

That was a point I didn't consider and fuck the baby! I hadn't even thought about that.

"I see your point" I looked down

"I do agree that we should move in together but lets buy a new house, a bigger one" He said quickly making me look at him with the biggest smile on my face. I kissed him quickly happy that he wanted to live with me. Matt got up deepening our kiss

"You could be my pretty little house wife" He said in between trailing kisses down my jaw to my neck making my breathing become heavy.

"We both know I'm not submissive enough to be a housewife" I said in a breathy voice.

"Maybe not" He kissed down my neck above my collarbone making me moan slightly and heat expand within me. "Maybe pillow princess then" He lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me to the couch laying me down gently with him hovering above me. He kissed my lips again deeply as his tongue danced around with mine. I ran my fingers through his hair and down his back, stopping at the hem of his shirt I took it off, breaking our kiss. Matt worked with me taking my clothes off and pretty soon we were naked. He kissed down my neck to my chest, paying special attention to each breast before kissing down my stomach, sending butterflies through me. He kissed until his head was between my legs. He kissed up my thigh up to my lady. Teasing me he moved to the other thigh doing the same. My body was hungry for him, he looked at me smirking before giving into me and kissing my most sensitive area. I moaned loudly as Matt's tongue mapped every part of sex. My God he was good at this. His tongue drew circles around my clit as he entered two fingers into me causing more pleasure to build within my core. I moaned coming undone with each lick and thrust of his fingers until my whole body felt like it was holding back an ocean of pleasure. With another thrust of his fingers the flood gates opened and I was riding a wave of pleasure, I moaned out loudly as my orgasm coated Matt's fingers and before I knew it, his fingers were replaced with his hard member. He thrusted into me deeply and the sensation was absolutely incredible. I moaned out with every deep thrust until I was a blabbering mess coming undone again and my second orgasm rolled in like it was nothing. Matt buried his face in the crook of my neck as his thrusts become harder and faster until I felt him pulse inside of me. We laid there for a moment breathless in pure bliss. It was because of this that we were in this mess right now.

When we got Ella and Reeve everyone was so excited for them, after we were done congratulating them we all sat outside, summer wasn't far now and the heat in California was almost the same as back home. I imagined this summer would be spent at the beach or one of the may lakes. I sat next to Ella as she gushed about the many ideas she had for her wedding.

"If you like pink we can keep that color out so you can use it at your wedding" She smiled at me, my wedding? I almost choked on the water I was drinking.

"I am not getting married" I told her feeling nauseous, geez was the idea of marriage that bad that it made me want to throw up?

"You've changed your view on love, is it crazy to assume that you've changed your view on marriage?" She looked at me as the nausea become worse. I was definitely going to throw up.

"It is" I said quickly getting up "Excuse me" I walked away quickly, I received a few looks from Matt and Michael but I didn't have time to ponder on it. As soon as I got to the bathroom there was no stopping it, I threw up the contents of my stomach until I was heaving. When my body had decided I had enough, I washed my face and found some mouth wash, rinsing out my mouth before returning downstairs. I went into the kitchen thanking the gods when I found some green tea.

"You're acting weird" Michael said coming into the kitchen

"What?" I asked taking out a cup

"You're not drinking" He folded his arms leaning against the counter next to me

"I'm not in the mood"

"It's a celebration and you aren't celebrating. Why?" He raised a brow

"I don't feel like drinking, what is the problem?" I asked a bit defensive

"You smell like mouthwash. Why do you smell like mouthwash?" He came in close sniffing me

"Why are you sniffing me weirdo?" I pushed his head back

"I will find out what's up with you Becca Summers" Michael said before walking outside. I joined him soon after, sitting next to Matt I sipped my tea. Matt put his arm around my waist. I was happy that the nausea subsided or so I thought. When the food came I was up bolting for the bathroom again. Annoyed I sat on the floor after chunking again. I couldn't help the tears that fell from my eyes. It was tears of frustration and maybe hormones more than anything else.

"Beck?" Matt asked worried coming in and closing the door behind him. "What's wrong?" He asked coming over to me when he saw my tears.

I just sobbed harder not sure what to say. "I'm pregnant" I cried as Matt's face completely paled.

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