Chapter 29

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Val and I sat watching the live social video, Becca and Michael would be home soon and I couldn't wait to see her. To hold her and to finally tell her that I love her. I smiled watching her as they filmed their road trip.

"So one of the questions here Michael, what is your favorite city to visit in the US?" Becca asked Michael as he drove

"Uhm Dallas, fuck I love Dallas." Michael laughed

"Mine is New Orleans," She smiled "I've never not had a good time in New Orleans." She laughed

God her smile was so beautiful.

"Okay next questions: what's the worst part about being on tour?" She read

"I don't know, I like being on tour. I guess maybe not being with our friends or family." Michael said still looking at the road

"Yeah, I think that's the worst part for me too." Becca looked down

"Do you miss Matt?" Michael asked looking at her

"Yeah, I do." She smiled to herself. God her smile was so beautiful.

"Hey would you look at that." Michael said "an hour left and then we're home." He said excited

I smiled brightly just an hour and I would be able to kiss Becca's soft lips, I looked at her as she laughed at one of Michael's jokes, her beautiful face displaying all signs of happiness, happiness that she was on her way to see me, the scene in front of me played out in slow motion as I felt my heart rate increase. She laughed touching Michael on the arm, her beautiful hazel eyes met the camera for a moment and it felt like she was looking right at me for a split second. She turned looking out the window as her face dropped and fear coated her voice.

"Michael!" She screamed but it was too late.

I felt my world crumble around me, the only thing I could hear was the out of control beating of my own heart. I saw Val say something but I didn't hear her over the banging of metal crashing into metal and then worst of all there was silence for what felt like forever. The camera showing us the scene was still recording, everything around Michael and Becca was broken, there was glass and blood, a lot of it. They both laid there not moving. I looked at Becca laying there her eyes closed. I couldn't tell if she was breathing.

"Matt!" Val shouted at me "We need to go!" She cried but I couldn't move all I could do was watch. I felt physically sick, I ran my hands through my hair as worry and fear turned my blood cold.

"Beck?" Michael's groggy voice came through the speaker, he sat up slightly grimacing in pain. I stood still frozen as I watched him try to wake her up. Thank god he was okay.

"Becca!" He said leaning over to her

"Michael?" She asked softly her voice a little more than a whisper. She's alive, I felt a small amount of relieve.

"Beck are you okay?" He asked sitting up looking at her wincing again.

"The baby." She said moving her hand, Michael and I looked down at her stomach at the same time. Val gasped in horror as we saw it, I large piece of glass coated in blood sticking out of Becca's bump and blood coating her pants between her legs, no fuck! I thought to myself as my heart crumbled

"Fuck." Michael said moving quickly he pulled off his sweater hissing in pain before wrapping it around the shard of glass to stop the blood that pooled out of her. Thank god he was smart enough not to pull it out.

"My baby's dead" Becca cried her voice was soft and raspy, I needed her to be okay.

"You don't know that" Michael said as he looked her over.

"Val, call my mom and get the boys" I said quickly looking for my car keys, Val did as she was told quickly.

"Daddy? What's happening?" River asked confused

"You guys are going to grandma" I said quickly, taking his hand while Val picked cash up, we loaded them into the car and I drove as fast as I could to my parents. My mom met us at the door, she gave me a look of sorrow before taking the boys inside.

"Pull up the live stream" I said as we drove. There was only one hospital between here and there.

"It hurts" Becca's soft voice came from the phone.

"I know, the ambulance is almost here" Michael reassured her.

"I'm going to die" She said softly 'No you are not'

"You're going to be just fine" Michael said again.

"No, Michael. I am going to die, I'm losing too much blood I can feel it" She sounded scared which gave me more motivation to drive faster. "You need to listen to me Michael" She said seriously. Michael looked over at her from what I could see glancing at the screen in Vals hand.

"I have a will in my safe at home, all of my properties have been left to River and Cash. My royalties need to go to my parents and Richard. Matt will have full control of my name and likes. There's journals under the floorboard in my music room. There are songs I've written in there, enough so that Dark Harlot can release another two albums" She explained, my heart couldn't take anymore.

"Shut up, you are not dying" Michael cried "You can't die Becca, you promised you'd always be by my side. You're my best fucking friend, I've shared my whole life with you. You are not dying!"

"I love you Michael, and Reeve too, I'm so glad that the two of you are my best friends and I'll forever be grateful to both of you for taking this journey with me" She smiled "Will you tell Matt that I..." She went quiet, I looked over to the screen, her eyes were closed

"No, no, no!" Michael cried "Wake up, Becca wake up" He sobbed cradling her face in his hands "You can't die, please Becca, please wake up"

No, this couldn't be happening, she couldn't be dead. Val sobbed loudly next to me as I fell tears roll down my own cheeks.

"Just hold on a little longer the ambulance is almost here" He said and I could hear the sirens coming closer over the phone. 'hold on baby'

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