Chapter 23

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"I'm pregnant" Becca cried and I swear to God I felt my heart stop. I looked at her crying face. A baby! A fucking baby! Jesus I didn't even know if I wanted another kid, Cash was wasn't even three yet. Christ I think I might throw up now.

"How far?" I asked quickly

"Twelve weeks" She said so soft that I almost didn't hear her. Twelve fucking weeks!

"Twelve weeks!" I said louder than intended "How long have you known?"

"Two weeks" She swallowed

"You didn't fucking tell me!" I snapped

"I was scared, I didn't know how" she stood

"Jesus Christ!" I walked over to the vanity, hanging my head. Becca didn't say another word, she walked out of the bathroom closing the door softly behind her. I stood there for a moment trying to process. Fuck. I didn't know what to feel. I tried to get my act together as best I could. I went downstairs straight to the tequila taking three shots before going back outside. Becca sat with Ella as Ella gushed over her ring. Becca didn't look at me, she didn't even attempt to speak to me. I didn't try and speak to her either, I wouldn't know what to say. Reeve brought out a bottle of champagne, placing a glass in front of all of us. I saw Becca look at her glass hesitantly as if she didn't know what to do with it. After we all cheered to Reeve and Ella's engagement, I swallowed the contents of my flute before grabbing Becca's and downing that too. She didn't say anything except give me a thankful look. When it was time to leave I dropped her off and made my way home. In hindsight maybe I could have handled things better.

I laid awake for most of the night tossing and turning, I couldn't ignore Becca forever, my baby was growing inside of her. To my surprise a smile came to my face at the thought. My reaction was harsh and I shuddered to think about what was going through her mind. I needed to make it up to her and let her know that this wasn't a deal breaker, this could just be the best thing for us. I texted Becca to be ready in an hour, before getting in touch with the real estate agent. We needed to get a house asap.

"Where are we going?" Becca asked as we drove, she didn't talk much

"To look at a house" I said quickly.

The house wasn't far from where she stayed now, I was surprised at the size when we pulled up the drive, there was lush green grass on either side of the driveway and stone pathway walking up to the house, I unlocked the brown wooden door. There was a small entrance way with arches all around, to the left was a large area which I assumed would be for a dining room, the middle was what I assumed was a living room with an open plan kitchen right behind it. Large French doors lined the walls and crystal chandelier hung in the middle of the room. Behind the dining area was a staircase that led upstairs. I took Becca's hand leading her up the wooden stairs. To the left were five doors leading down the hallway and to the right of the stairs there were large double doors which I was assuming was the master bedroom. We went in, another crystal chandelier hung in the middle of the room, to the left was door, we went in revealing a bathroom, double vanities made from marble was against the first wall, across was a big bathtub that could hold at least three people and a double shower. The door next to the bathroom led into a walk in closet with a island lined with draws on both sides. The closet was big enough to be a room on it's own. I looked over at Becca who had a small smile on her face. I took her hand leading her into the other rooms, the first two at the end of the hall, I suggested should be guest rooms. The third I suggested Rivers room, the second would be for cash and the last room we walked into.

"For the baby" I said standing behind her. She turned to look at me with a question in her eyes and I knew exactly what it was. "I want this baby with you and I'm sorry that my reaction was so harsh. I was just shocked"

"I like the house" She smiled

"Yeah?" I asked smiling brightly as she nodded, I took her face in my hands kissing her sweetly.

As soon as we got home, I sent an email to the agent letting him know we would take it. The rest of the day passed quickly Becca and I cuddled watching movies for most of it, well I watched and she napped. I watched as she slept marveling in her beauty, I wrapped my arm around her waist keeping my hand on the lower half of her belly where our baby grew, I might not have had the best reaction but I was happy and then I wondered, would Becca want to get married now that we were expecting?

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