Chapter 25

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We arrived in Cape Town a day before the wedding. It was definitely colder than I was expecting it to be. I picked Cash up while River held Becca's hand as we made our way through the airport to where Becca's parents waited for us. The boys were staying with me tonight as this was the first time Val was meeting Michael's parents as his girlfriend. The boys were tired and jetlagged which made them both a little grumpy. I introduced them to Becca's parents, Cash just looked at them funny while River looked up at Becca.

"Is this your mommy and daddy Becca?" He asked

"It is" Becca smiled at him.

He ran up to them giving them each a hug before taking their hands and walking with them holding each hand in both of his hands.

"Do you know that Becca has a baby in her belly?" He asked as they walked, we followed close behind

"We do" Marcel smiled down at him.

"That means I get to be a big brother again" he smiled as Lydia laughed at him slightly.

On the way back to Becca's parents house Cash insisted that he be held by Becca and that was it. Becca was his for the rest of the night, he slept in between us, I tried to move him countless times but he outright refused, when I woke up the next morning he was even busy cuddling her.

Becca left relatively early the next day giving me a kiss before she left. It was a pretty good day actually, we spent most of it with Becca's parents, River decided it would be best to tell them all about his life in California while Cash sulked all day.

"You need to eat" I said trying to convince him to eat his lunch.

"No!" He said folding his arms

"Don't no me Cash, eat" I said again

"Want my Becky" He sulked

"She's my Becky, now eat" I sighed annoyed

"No! Cash's Becky not daddy's" He snapped

"Fine, starve then" I said giving up annoyed.

"It doesn't get easier Matt" Marcel chuckled

"Of course not" I sighed

"Cash, your Becky isn't going to be happy if you starve, you should listen to your dad."

The little traitor decided this was enough for him, picking up a piece of toast and munching on it.

After getting ready we made our way to the venue which was quiet beautiful, it was on top a mountain which held breath taking views. I took a seat next to Val with the boys as we waited for the ceremony to start. When the music started I stood as I watched Becca walk in with Michael, just as I thought she was so fucking beautiful and I'd wished it had been her walking down the aisle to me. Her bump was showing in the fitting purple dress Ella had chosen but my God it was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen, Becca glowing as my baby grew inside of her gave me actual goose bumps.

"Pregnancy suits her." Val smiled leaning over to me.

"Yeah." I said smiling like a love struck teenager.

Reeve smiled brightly as Ella walked down the aisle, she looked beautiful but my eyes were glued to Becca, who looked kind of pale standing up there. I wondered if it was the baby or just marriage in general that was making her uncomfortable? When the ceremony was over I waited at the bar until Becca got back, she kissed my cheek quickly when she joined me.

"I'm so glad that's over." She said

"You look beautiful." I said still in awe as she stood here before me.

"Thank you." She said smiling at me

"Oh Rebecca, you looked so pretty walking down that aisle." Becca's mother said as she came to greet us.

"Thanks mom." Becca blushed

When all the formalities were over I started having a lot more fun. Becca and I danced and I was surprised at how relaxed she was. I loved how carefree she was when she was home.

"I swear like thirty people have touched my stomach tonight." She said rolling her eyes as she came from the bathroom

"Really? no one has touched my balls. Do you think they know that's how babies are made?" I joked

"Very funny." She giggled

I took her hand leading her back to the dance floor, dancing with her was a lot more fun than anything else besides making love obviously.

"Do you want to get married?" I asked as we danced

"Definitely not" She answered

"Why not?"

"I just don't see the importance of it. Why can't we just be together? We don't need a piece of paper to confirm what we feel." She explained

"I guess not" I smiled seeing it her way. If I was going to change her mind on the subject was a question I'd answer later on, right now all I wanted was to be with her. Have this baby with her and love her for as long as I can.

"Would you want to get married again?" She asked

"I'm not apposed to it" I smiled "Especially not if it's with you" I twirled her around before taking her in my arms again. Now probably would have been the best time to tell her that I love her and I don't know why I didn't because I did love her, I loved her with all my fucking heart but I didn't want her to feel pressured into saying it back. I knew she loved me and that's all that mattered right now.

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