Chapter 19

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'The question on everyone's lips, will Becca Summers and M.Shadows attend the Whammy's together and is the public going to be okay with that?' I muted the TV annoyed by the blonde woman's question. Of course Becca and I were going to attend together. The public was split in two, some people hated that we were together, others loved it and I knew that made Becca anxious. The Whammy's were two weeks away and I was more than excited, not for myself or the awards we were nominated for but rather for Becca and Dark Harlot. This was the first time they've been nominated for a Whammy and I was extremely proud of Becca, but then again I might be biased. Having enough of this madness I went into the kitchen where Val sat feeding Cash. I gave him a kiss on the head as I walked passed.

"When are you seeing Becca again?" Val asked as I poured a cup of coffee.

"Probably tonight, why?" I asked sitting down next to Cash.

"Well Michael asked me on a date" She blushed.

"Well that's nice. are you excited?"

"Yeah" She looked down

"You don't sound very enthusiastic" I raised a brow

"Is it weird?" She looked up at me

"That you're fucking a guy ten years younger than you? No" I shook my head

"Becca's ten years younger than you" She rolled her eyes "Is it weird that my boyfriend is your girlfriends best friend?"

"Yes" I said quickly "Its also weird that we still live in the same house while both of us are fucking other people"

"Do you think we should sell?"

"I do" I took a sip of my coffee, it would be sad but we had to move on.

I spent the rest of the day looking at potential houses and I couldn't help but wonder if Becca and I would move in together. I mean obviously we would but I just wondered when, we've only been together for two months but I knew I wanted forever with her.

"How are you feeling about the Whammy's?" I asked Becca later that night as we laid naked pressed against each other

"Nervous" She sighed

"For which part?" I asked running my fingers through her hair

"All of it" She admitted

"I think you'll do fine, do you know what song you guys are going to perform?"

"We haven't decided yet" She looked down "Matt?"


"Where do you see yourself in five years from now?" She looked up, her hazel eyes scanning mine. Where did I see myself in five years? That was a good question.

"I'm not sure" I answered honestly "Making love to you hopefully"

Becca looked down blushing

"Where do you see yourself in five years?"

"I have no idea, what I imagined five years ago is very different to where I am now" She looked at me again

"Where were you five years ago?" I looked at her, my hand drawing circles on her back.

"I broke up with Daniel five years ago" She sighed "He didn't take it well at first but two weeks later he was with Jacky"

"Did that bother you?" I asked

"Yes but not for my own sake" She looked at me, her hazel eyes sad "Jacky was Richards girlfriend, he was head over heels in love with her and just out of nowhere she broke up with him and the next day she was hanging on Daniel like her life depended on it"

"That's horrible" I saw Richard in new light now

"It's worse" She sighed

"How so?"

"Daniel and Richard were best friends, that's how I met Daniel, the two of them were inseparable"

Hell that was a lot, I suddenly had even more hatred for Daniel.

"Jacky and Daniel then went on to spread a bunch of rumors about me and Richie and our family. My dad almost lost his job, my mom was outcasted from her housewife friends, wherever Richard and I went, people would whisper to each other. Michael and Reeve were our only friends left." She said remembering "Well Michaels brother Shaun was Richie's friend as well."

"Why would Daniel do that?" I asked feeling sad that they had to go through that.

"So no one would believe me if I told anyone what he did" She looked down. "He still wanted to be my friend after that, he'd come by like nothing had even happened and I was so angry at him but there wasn't a thing I could do. So as soon as I could I ran away from all of it and here I am."

"I'm sorry you had to go though that Becks" I kissed the top of her head.

"It all worked out in the end" She smiled up at me.

"Did you invite your parents to come for the Whammy's?"

"No" she shook her head

"Well you should, it's a big deal"

"Maybe I will"

It didn't take Becca long to fall asleep, I stayed up a bit watching her sleep, god she was so beautiful and I couldn't understand why anyone in their right mind would leave her. Daniel was a fucking idiot.

When I woke up the next morning Becca was no longer next to me, I was disappointed I won't lie, I got up putting some clothes on and went downstairs. She sat at her kitchen counter drinking coffee on a video call with Richard it sounded like

"Good morning" She smiled when she saw me

"Is that Matt?" Richard's voice came through excited "Let me say hi" He demanded

I went over to Becca "Morning Richard" I said

"Evening Matt, I'm happy to see your finally fucking my sister" He joked

"Richie!" Becca exclaimed

"I'm joking" He rolled his eyes "I guess we'll be seeing you soon" He smiled brightly

"Good, I'm looking forward to it" I nodded.

Becca said her goodbyes before ending the call, she came over to me wrapping her arms around my waist giving me a hug, I loved getting hugs from her, right here in my arms is where she belonged. It was as if I was made to love her and be loved by her.

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