Chapter 13

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I stood back stage watching as they went up on stage. I've had my fair share of stage fright and home town shows were stressful so I couldn't blame Becca for freaking out. They were about three song in, when Becca pulled away from her mic with an irritated look on her face.

"Becca's mic is malfunctioning" a voice came through a radio that one of the roadies were using.

I watched as Becca went over and took Michael's mic, removing her earpiece as she continued to sing. It was much softer than her own mic understandably. I looked around for one of their roadies but couldn't find any. Taking the radio I asked the sound tech to turn up the mic.

"Its on its highest." He replied.
Shit, this was going to make her freak out again.

Thinking fast I found one of our roadies "get my mic" I told him quickly before telling the sound guy to plug my mic in instead when their song ended. The roadie handed me my mic and stand and I quickly went out on stage. The crowd went a little crazy and Becca looked at me skeptically.

"Your mic is malfunctioning" I said

"I'm aware" She sighed

"Its okay." I gave her a reassuring smile as I put my mic down adjusting it to her height. I took the earpiece out of her ears. "Turn around" She did as I told her to and quickly I took her IEM off replacing it with my own as she lifted her shirt slightly, I won't lie, I ran my fingers along her lower back on purpose. When I was done she turned and looked at me blushing slightly. I put the earpiece in her ears.

"Test" I said into the microphone. Michael and Reeve each played a piece. I looked back at Becca that gave the sound tech a thumbs up. She smiled up at me.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome" I smiled my hand still on her shoulder. "You're doing great" I reassured her and she repayed me with a thankful smile. I wanted to lean down and kiss her but I knew better. I gave her shoulder a squeeze before going backstage and letting them continue to kill the show.

I was extremely proud of Becca when she came off stage. I pulled her into my arms hugging her.

"I told you!" I smiled kissing her softly.

"I wouldn't have been able to do it without you" She smiled at me. About an hour after the show we had said goodbye to Becca's parents before making our way to the airport and I got to hold Becca's hand all the way there.
We waited once again in the airport lounge for our plane. Becca and I sat next to each other, quietly looking at the people that walked past.

"Where do you think she's going?" Becca asked pointing to a brown haired woman that walked by

"Business trip" I said looking at her attire

"That's boring" Becca rolled her eyes

"What would you say then?" I looked at her

"I think she's going to visit a lover, that her father has forbidden her to see and now they fly back and forth to have little moments with each other." She smiled

"Your mind intrigues me Ms Summers" I laughed

"Guys we have a problem" Reeve ran over to us

"What's up Reevie?" Becca asked sweetly

"Here" he handed her his phone. I moved closer to her reading the article

'Becca Summers and M.Shadows steamy on tour affair' - the headline read, with a picture of us kissing back stage tonight at the show.

"Fuck" I sighed.

I looked over at Becca who had a deep frown on her face.

"Lets go, we'll sort this out when we get home." She said getting up. This was possibly the worst fucking thing that could have happened right now.

The moment we landed in California cameras captured our every move, it was fucking chaos. Everywhere people called our names. We all pretty much kept our heads down. Once we got out I thought it would be okay but it was far from it. Someone walked past us a woman.

"Fucking slut!" She shouted at Becca before throwing red paint all over her. This enraged me. I looked at Becca who had unshed tears in her eyes.

"Beck" I took her hand.

"Its fine Matt, I just want to go home." She said pulling her hand back before walking away.

Well fuck this was just great. I was irritated and angry.

"Daddy!" River ran to me as I got inside

"Hi buddy, I missed you" I smiled hugging my son. I really did fucking miss him. It wasn't long until Cash waddled out with Val close on his heel. I gave them both a hug.

"Things are a down right mess Matt" Val said handing me a cup of coffee

"I know" I sighed "nothing happened between us Val, it almost did but it was never more than kissing."

"I believe you Matt and regardless if it did. I am not angry" She squeezed my hand.

It wasn't long until I got a phone call to go into the label and I had no doubt that Becca got the same call. We arrived there at the same time. She gave me a small smile before we into the building and up to the meeting room. The same room where I'd seen her for the first time. Three people sat at the table, our manager, the publicist and one of the executives.

"Is it true?" The publicist asked

"What exactly?" I asked annoyed

"Are the two of you having an affair?" She asked

"No" Becca and I said at the same time.

"Val and I are divorced. There is no affair to be had" I said trying to calm down

"Well the public doesn't know this and they cannot know" She said sternly

"What?" I looked at her as anger boiled in my blood

"We don't care what's going on between the two of you but right now it does not look good. So if you choose to be together then fine but you cannot make it public"

"That's bullshit." I said unable to believe what I was hearing.

"Matt" Larry our manager warned

"Look, it's not forever. Let's us just figure out a way to control how it goes public." The publicist said in a soft voice.

"No!" I snapped "you don't get to control our personal lives" I got up grabbing Becca's hand, and pulling her out the door with me.

"Matt, just stop for a minute" Becca said pulling her hand from me as we walked down the hall

"No Becca, I won't allow it. We will not be their puppets" anger coating my voice.

"Matt we can't be dropped from the label." She looked down

"There are other labels Beck" I sighed

"Yes there are but if we get dropped we can't stay here. If we don't get signed our visas will be voided. We'll need to leave" She looked at me pleading. "I want to be with you Matt, I really do but we can't lose this. We've worked too hard to get where we are"

This put us an awful situation, stay silent and give in or speak out and lose Becca. What was I supposed to do?

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