Chapter 16

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It had been two months since Matt and I got together, well we were kind of together, he hasn't told me I'm his girlfriend so I wasn't sure. He took me on a date and another after that just like he promised. He slept over at my house most days and we cuddled, made out a little but that was it. We were taking it slow even though my body ached for him. I was definitely more than a little sexually frustrated. I looked myself over in the mirror as I was getting ready to go to Val's birthday party. I wore a black crop top that had lace ruffling at the edges and a matching mini skirt, I paired it with a pair of black strappy heels and a knee length black coat. I curled my hair and did my make up, gabbing a black clutch bag when Michael came to fetch me.

"Is it weird that Matt and Val still live together?" He asked as we drove.

"I don't know, a little" I shrugged "Matt told me that they haven't decided what to do with the house and they want to keep things as normal as possible for the boys"

"Do they still sleep in the same room?" He asked his brown eyes still on the room

"Matt said that neither of them sleep in the room anymore. They've both taken a guest room" I shrugged

"Why?" Michael raised a brow

"He said that neither of them felt comfortable with it" I looked at him "Whats with all the questions?"

"I'm curious" He smiled "Is Matt good in bed?"

"Oh my gosh that's inappropriate." I blushed "I don't know, we haven't had sex yet"

"What?" He asked shocked

"We're taking things slow, I'm not even sure if I'm his girlfriend"

"Of course you are, you have sleep overs. Go on dates, kiss way too much" He sighed "You are definitely his girlfriend" Michael said as he pulled up to the house. There were a good number of cars outside and now I felt slightly nervous. Val opened up for us, giving us both a hug. Michael's hand lingered a bit on her lower back after the hug but I didn't pay much attention to it.

"Happy birthday" I smiled giving her the small gift I had gotten for her.

"Thank you and you shouldn't have" She said leading us over to the bar area where a bunch of people were. It was a pretty big house, twice the size of mine then again Matt probably earned twice the amount I did. I hadn't seen Matt yet and honestly I wasn't sure where to look for him. I was feeling pretty overwhelmed with all of the people Val was introducing me to. So I excused myself and went to go find the restroom. I sat on the bathtub taking deep breaths. I was usually pretty shy and didn't like crowds of people, weird considering my job, I know. I composed myself as best I could and walked out bumping straight into Matt on my way. I almost fell but he caught me by the waist holding me steady.

"I've been looking for you" he smiled

"You found me" I said sweetly

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned. I didn't want him worrying about me the whole night so I just nodded my head and gave him a smile.

"Good" He said kissing me. His kiss was soft and short, too short. I loved kissing Matt and if it were up to me I'd never stop. "Come on, there's some people I want you to meet"

"Anyone in particular cause I'm pretty sure Val introduced me to most of the people here." I rolled my eyes as he held my hand leading me downstairs

"Yeah, my parents" Matt said casually

"Your parents!" I said a bit shocked, he turned to look at me curious

"Do you not want to meet them?" He asked his face softened. It's not that I didn't want to meet them I was just afraid they'd think what most of the internet thought, that I broke up Matt and Vals marriage.

"I..." I paused not sure what to say. I looked down at my hands picking at the skin around my nails, something I did when I was nervous. It was a nasty habit that often resulted in bleeding fingers. "What if they don't like me?" I looked at him unsure.

Matt took my face in his hands "Its impossible not to like you" he gave me a reassuring smile kissing me softly again which eased my nerves slightly. I nodded as he took my hand again and we walked through the multitude of people until we stopped infront of Matt's parents I was assuming.

"Beck, this is my mom and dad" He smiled introducing me to the pair. "Mom, dad this is Becca, my girlfriend" He added and if I had a drink I'd have spit it out. I was his girlfriend and the thought made me pretty happy. Matt's dad smiled kindly at me but his mom gave me a look of pure venom. It's was perfectly clear that she didn't like me. She opened her mouth to say something that looked like it was going to be something horrible when Reeve interrupted her.

"I'm so sorry but could I steal Becca away for just a moment?" He asked pulling me away before anyone could even answer.

"What is it?" I asked concerned as we walked outside.

"Dude, it looked like Matt's mom was going to eat you alive." He said still walking.

"I know" I sighed

"I thought I might save you the embarrassment. That lady was staring daggers at you" he shook his head "if looks could kill you'd be ice cold in a grave"

"I get it Reeve she doesn't like me" I hung my head

"Don't feel bad Becks. Matt likes you and that's all that counts" he smiled at me when we stopped walking.

"I kind of just want to go home" I sighed

"Don't be like that Beck, Matt will feel like shit if you just left."

"Yeah but almost everyone here is looking at me like I've got two heads. They're all Matt and Vals friends and they just think I'm the person who broke them up." I said as my eyes burnt with unshed tears.

"It doesn't matter." Reeve said pulling me into a hug "you know the truth and so do all of us. The people who love you know you'd never do something like that" He said pulling away as tears rolled down my cheek. "Don't cry" He said sad wiping away my tears. I just sniffled in response

"Come on Becky, you're the one who always says the opinions of others don't concern you"

"I know Reevie but it's different now. I really like Matt and that makes me feel vulnerable" I sighed

"I know, you've spent too long with your walls up. But I'm really fucking glad you let them down. These feelings will pass. I promise you" he smiled giving me another hug.

I really hoped he was right.

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