Chapter 11

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When we got to Becca's childhood home the next day, I was a little surprised at the amount of cars, Reeve did say most of the town was coming. I looked over at Becca whose mind seemed far away, she looked a little nervous but I couldn't be sure. She led us into the house which was really nice, it wasn't huge but pretty big, bigger than I was expecting. I looked over at Becca again she was playing with her fingers, yeah she was definitely nervous. We walked outside and holy shit there was a lot of people, about fifty if I had to guess.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the party has arrived" Reeve called out

"Dear god" Becca said soft enough that only I could hear as everyone turned to look our way. I took her hand pulling her closer and kissed her temple. She looked up at me with a small smile and I returned it giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"My baby!" A blonde woman I'd say in her forties ran over, she pulled Becca into a hug. Becca looked a lot like her mom, she definitely got her height from her mom, she was probably just as tall as her mother which wasn't very tall at all. I was at least two heads taller than Becca. After everyone hugged their family, Michael introduced us and I was almost sure Richard, Becca's brother, was going to pass out. I met Becca's father and her mother gave me a hug. Becca and Richard were spitting images of their parents.

It was a pretty good party, I met a lot of people but if you asked me what their names were I wouldn't be able to tell you. Zack found the food table pretty quickly. Brian and I sat at one of the tables with Reeve, Ella and Richard. I looked over at Becca who stood talking to her mother, laughing at something she said. Once again I was dumbfounded by her beauty.

"Earth to Matt?" Reeve said

"What?" I looked back at him and noticed that they were watching me watching her.

"Do you want another beer?" Reeve laughed

"Yeah thanks" I smiled as Reeve and Ella got up to go get another round

"Drink up" Richard said putting a shot in front of me. I took the tequila making a face after, it was pretty fucking awful. We probably had about eight shots by the time Ella and Reeve got back, the tequila had definitely gone straight to my head. Richard put another shot in front of me, I was about to take it when Becca sat down next to me putting a plate of food in front of me and taking the shot for herself. We ate and my god the food was amazing. It wasn't long until Becca's mom and dad sat down at the table with us.

"Are you enjoying your food Matt?" Becca's mom asked kindly

"Very much thank you" I smiled

After we were done eating I put my arm over Becca's chair drawing circles on her arm as she sat back. "You're beautiful" I leant over whispering in her ear.

"Thank you" She blushed smiling at me before getting up and helping her mother take our plates inside. Leaving me Richard and her dad at the table.

"Matt let me ask you something" Richard slurred he was pretty drunk

"Ask away" I looked at him

"What's going on between you and my sister?" He took another shot

"That's none of your business Richard and slow down on the tequila" Becca's father shook his head

"It is my business if his fucking my baby sister father" Richard rolled his eyes before looking back at me, I couldn't help the smile on my face

"I am not fucking your sister" I laughed

"Why not?" Richard looked a little offended "Is there something wrong with her?"

"Richard!" Becca's father snapped

"It's okay sir" I laughed "It's not that I don't want to" I looked over at her dad "Respectfully" I added "I like Becca, I don't just want to have meaningless sex with her" I said honestly.

"That's lame" Richard said getting up and stumbling away

"Do you mean that?" Becca's dad looked at me

"Yes sir" I nodded

"Call me Marcel" He smiled "You know she's sworn off relationships right?"

"She's told me" I nodded

"Did she tell you why?" He asked and I nodded

"I'd kill that boy if I could" He looked down

"I'd help you" I took a sip of my beer.

"I hope that you wouldn't react that way if you guys found yourself in that situation" Marcel said. I got the impression that it was more of a question.

"I have two boys of my own. Its the last thing I'd want her to do." I admitted

"Keep it that way. Girls are hard" He sighed taking a sip of his beer.

The night passed quickly and I was surprised that Richard was still standing after the amount of tequila he had. Pretty much everyone was drunk. Johnny had already passed out inside on the couch Reeve and Ella left with his parents and pretty soon Zack had joined Johnny on the couch.

"I don't think we're going to make it back to the hotel" Brian slurred half asleep in his chair.

"You should stay here then, Brian you can share a room with Richard and Matt I assume you'd want to sleep with Becca?" Marcel said making Becca look at him with wide eyes.

"hahaha Matt's going to see how lame you are" Richard laughed

"Shut up!" Becca smacked him in the stomach causing him to hiccup which made us laugh.

"Come on Brian, let's get you to bed" Richard said helping Brian up

"I'll cuddle with you Richie but that's as far as it goes. I'm a married man and unlike Matt I won't forsake my vows for one of the Summers siblings" Brian pointed a finger at him before putting his arm around Richards shoulders.

"We're divorced dumbass" I called after him as the two of them stumbled trying to support each other. It was pretty funny.

Val had sent me the divorce papers this morning, although it would take a few months before it was final, Val and I were as good as divorced.

Becca and I soon followed after saying goodnight to her parents. Another night next to Becca and I couldn't be happier.

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