Chapter 14

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I knew that being back in California was going to change things I just wasn't expecting it to be like this. I hadn't left my house for the past two weeks instead I laid in bed crying or on the couch. This was so fucking unfair. I wanted to be with Matt, for the first time since Daniel I was willing to be with someone to let someone in only to have the label tell me I couldn't? It was bullshit but what choice did I have? My phone rang for the umpteenth time today and I ended the call without looking at who it was. I know Michael had been calling me trying to get me out of the house but I wouldn't budge.

"Becca?" I heard him call and instantly regretted giving him a key. Michael literally lived three houses down from me which was nice and not nice at the same time.
"Jesus, you need to get out of bed" He complained coming into my room and opening the curtains.

"No stop that!" I sniffled drawing the blanket over my head.

"You can't stay in bed for the rest of your life." Michael pulled the sheets back.

"Leave me alone!" I snapped

"No, get your ass up, everyone's going to be here soon" He said going around my room putting dirty clothes in the hamper. Michael was the organized one between the three of us.

"What do you mean everyone?" I shot up

"Brian, Matt, Zack, Johnny, Reeve, Val Michelle and so on" He rolled his eyes

"What? Why?"

"Because you've skipped dinner twice. You won't answer our calls so we decided to bring the party to you" he looked at me "Now get up and go shower. You stink" He said walking out of the room. Just perfect I sighed. I did what I was told to do, heading to my bathroom. I'm not sure how long I spent in the shower but I must admit the water felt nice. I brushed my teeth and dried my hair before putting on some make up. I dressed in an oversized shirt part of it tucked into a pair of denim shorts with some sneakers and by the time I was done everyone was already here. I went downstairs everyone occupied my living room. Reeve had his feet up on my coffee table, Johnny sat next to him on the two seater couch.

"Becca!" River squealed running up to me as I got to the bottom of the stairs he wrapped his arms around me giving me a hug as everyone turned to look at me and greet.

"Hello little Sanders" I smiled at him "You've grown since the last time I've seen you"

"I know, I grow everyday Becca, I'm a good boy. I eat all of my vegetables" He gave me a dimpled smile and I swear my heart melted.

I went into the living room, as everyone got up to greet me, it was kinda awkward for me hugging Val but she didn't seem to feel the same way. I walked past Reeve knocking his feet off of my coffee table.

"That table costs more than your house. Keep your paws off" I warned. He laughed at me rolling his eyes putting his feet back up. Reeve was like a child, there was no reasoning with him. When Matt hugged me I felt like my insides had turned to jello. I'd been ignoring his calls too and yeah I felt a little bad but I needed time to process.

"Becca do you have ice-cream?" River asked smiling at me

"I do, do you want some?" I laughed as his eyebrows shot up with excitement

"Can I daddy?" He looked at Matt pleading

"Knock yourself out" Matt smiled at his son.

we walked to the kitchen, I picked River up putting him on one of the highchairs at my kitchen island.

"Strawberry, chocolate or vanilla?" I asked opening the freezer

"Oh goodness Becca, I don't know" The small boy shrugged deep in thought

"Maybe all three then" I smiled as his eyes lit up in excitement. I grabbed a bowl dishing up a bit of all three flavours for him.

"Hey Beck" Reeve said coming into the kitchen with Brian. They went to the fridge grabbing some beers

"Matt told us what happened at the label" Brian said sitting down next to River.

"Yeah and Michael and I spoke about it" Reeve looked at me

"Okay?" I looked at them skeptically

"We decided, if you want to be with Matt you should." Reeve said seriously

"You know what will happen if they drop us" I sighed

"There will be other labels Beck" Brian said in a soft tone

"and what if there's not?" I looked at him

"That's silly, Becca you are ridiculously talented and everyone knows that. All three of you are. If you get dropped I can guarantee there will be other labels banging down your door to sign you" Brian gave me a reassuring smile

"And if there's not we start again until there is" Reeve added "Whatever you decide Michael and I are behind you no matter what"

I couldn't help but feel a little touched by their reaction. I gave them a smile and they were right. The label had no right to control my personal life. I sat with River a bit while he told me all about his favorite kinds of ice-cream.

"I could eat ice-cream all day" River giggled

"Too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing Riv" Matt said coming into the kitchen, he kissed River on the head

"Look daddy, I had three different types of ice-cream" He smiled showing Matt his now empty bowl

"Go tell mommy so I can speak to Becca" Matt said helping him off the chair

"Okay but don't shout at her, she's my friend" He looked up at Matt pleading

"I promise I won't" He assured the boy before he ran off back to the living room

"He's going to be up all night, I should leave him here so you can deal with it" Matt smirked at me

"Unfortunately he's not the Sanders I'd like to spend the night with" I smiled

"Cash's a bit young but if you insist" Matt shrugged making me laugh, he wrapped his arms around my waist "I'm sorry" He said softly looking at me

"You have nothing to be sorry for." I sighed "I should be sorry. You were right, we cannot be controlled by them"

"I'm not going to do something if its going to effect your career" He leaned his forehead on mine. His eyes desperately searching mine.

"There will be other labels, but there isn't going to be another you." I closed my eyes for a moment "I have feelings for you" I opened my eyes looking back into his hazel orbs "I want to try"

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