Chapter 4

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I sat on my bed thinking about what just happened between me and Matt. I'd be lying if I said I didn't often look his way. He was a good looking man and that dimpled smile was enough to make my knees weak. Today was different, his lips were so close to mine. I touched my lips wondering what it would have felt like to feel his lips. I shook the thought from my head. He was still married, I wasn't in a position to be thinking of him this way. I laid down for a while trying to take a nap and clear my mind. I don't know for how long I had been asleep when Reeve woke me.

"Becca, we going for dinner get ready." He said leaning into my room.

I got up, getting dressed, I put on a short black dress feeling hot already from the warm breeze that came through the window. I put on a pair of strappy heels and met the guys in the living room.

"Looking good B" Michael winked at me.

"Thanks." I said looking at him.

I caught Matt looking me up and down from the corner of my eye, I smiled to myself.

We sat at one of the tables close to the bar as a waitress took our order.

"Are you guys looking forward to playing at home?" Brian asked

"Fuck yeah!" Reeve said taking a sip of his drink.

"You're just looking forward to seeing Ella." I said thinking of Reeve's girlfriend.

Of all the girls he dated, Ella was my favorite. We had become friends the moment we met.

"At least I have someone I'm looking forward to seeing." He snapped

"Ouch." I touched my heart pretending to be hurt.

"Play nice." Michael said not looking at us.

"You're just bitter because you haven't had sex in years." Reeve shot.

He was making it personal now. "Please, I have plenty of sex you don't know about." I lied as Zacky almost choked on his drink. We all looked at him "and besides. Its not your business anyway." I took a sip of my drink.

"Yeah right" Reeve rolled his eyes "I think you've lost your touch to be honest." He teased

"Please, I could have any man in here." I scoffed well except the one I wanted. I looked at Matt whose eyes met mine. I looked down again quickly. Again I cannot be thinking of him this way but his just so fucking gorgeous.

"Okay, prove it." Reeve challenged "That guy at the bar. Go get his number." Reeve said pointing to a guy standing at the bar.

"This is getting interesting now, I bet ten bucks he turns you down." Johnny took out his wallet throwing a ten on the table.

"I see your ten and I raise you forty." Matt said smiling before looking over at me. Got to love the faith.

"Fine." I said getting up, I walked over to the bar nervous as I knew the guys were all watching me, I let out a deep breath hoping that the stranger spoke English.

"Hi, I know this is super weird but do you speak English?" I asked as I stood next to him. He looked at me and smiled, he had dark hair and a strong face. He was actually quite handsome.

"You must be in luck because I do." He said turning his body to me

"Thank god." I smiled "My names Becca." I held out my hand.

"I am Miguel." He took my hand kissing it. I blushed slightly as I looked back to the table, the guys sat watching us as though we were a damn soap opera.

"You look familiar, do I know you from somewhere?" He asked

"Yeah, I play in a band its not a big deal." I blushed "Are you from here?" I asked batting my eye lashes.

"No, I'm actually from Spain. How long are you in Portugal for?" He asked

"We're leaving for Spain tomorrow after the show." I smiled

"It's a pity but perhaps I can come to your show?" He smiled revealing his straight teeth and I had to admit this guy was a snack.

"I think that would be lovely." I touched his arm flirting. "So do you think I could get your number?" I batted my eyelashes giving him a small smirk as he wrote his number down for me on a napkin.

"I do hope that you text me." He handed me the number.

"Definitely." I said biting my lip and I might even just text him.

I walked back to our table sitting down as all the guys stared at me.

"Eat dicks, douchebag." I said tossing the napkin at Reeve

"Pay up Bitch." Matt laughed as Johnny took out his wallet.

"I must say, that was impressive. I didn't think you could do it." Zacky said laughing.

"That's our Becky, always wrapping the boys around her finger." Michael took a sip of his drink.

"You say the sweetest things Mike." I smiled taking a sip of my drink. My eyes met Matt's for a moment as he looked at me curious. I looked away quickly wondering what he was thinking. As the night went on we stayed out at the restaurant drinking and talking shit, I was a few drinks deep and slightly buzzed when Zacky and Brian took Reeve and Mike back to the hotel they were more than just slightly buzzed. Johnny followed them soon after and then it was just myself and Matt left drinking.

"... I literally just stood there dumbfounded with ice cream all over the floor" I finished telling him a story about when I was in high school.

"That's the funniest thing." Matt laughed "How many fights have you been in?" Matt looked at me

"None actually. I think if I was ever in a fight I'd probably get my ass handed to me." I said honestly.

"Then I guess it's a good thing we're friends now, I'll just do all the fighting for you." He gave me one of those dimpled smiles, I hoped he meant that.

"Uhg stop doing that." I laughed putting a hand over my eyes

"Doing what?" Matt smiled.

"That smile! With the dimples" I looked at him

"That's how I smile" He shrugged putting his arms up

"No it's not!" I beamed at him "I swear you do it on purpose to make me all gooey on the inside." I said, it seems the alcohol had taken control of my ability to keep things to myself

"Oh Becca, I didn't know you thought about me like that." He smirked

"Fuck off." I rolled my eyes finishing my drink.

"Come on, let's get back to the hotel." Matt laughed helping me up

We decided to walk back hoping the fresh air would sober us up a bit. Matt put his arm around my shoulders as we walked.

"Zacky calls it fuck me eyes." He said explaining about his dimpled smile.

"Oh my God! That is so accurate." I laughed shocked.

"Is it?" He looked at me

"Yes, I bet you give all the girls that look and they all swoon, dropping their panties screaming take me M.Shadows" I laughed

"Well yeah, but that's not important." He laughed

"So what is important then?" I asked looking at him as we stopped in front of the hotel

"What does it do to you?" He asked looking me in the eyes now. His Hazel eyes locked on mine.

I stepped in closer to him, my heels giving me a little bit of a boost but I still had to stand on my toes. I put one arm around him resting my hand on the base of his neck. I put my lips close to his ear "I would prefer to show you." I whispered, taking his hand I placed it between my legs sliding it up my thigh under my dress stopping just short of my panties as his breathing deepened.

"Please do." He whispered back

"Maybe some time" I said Stepping back before walking inside suddenly sober and extremely turned on.

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