chapter 40

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Why is George in Dream's bed? They were never that close when I was there... weird. I doesn't matter. I needed to get ready for our lunch date. I threw on an old pair of black leggings and a t-shirt, I wasn't as excited for this date as I thought I would be, maybe revenge isn't as sweet as I thought it would be. 

I emailed George around 11 telling him I was ready when he was. He answered almost immediately saying he'd be there in 15, and to come outside and meet him around then, so 15 minutes later I made my way down from my. I walked out the door to look for George's car, but as soon as I walked around a corner I saw Clay and George sitting in the front seat of Clay's car together. They were just having a conversation, but I tried to stay out of their line of view, because I didn't want to talk to Clay, but as I saw was watching, I saw Clay lean over, grab Georges neck and pull him in for a kiss before George got out of the car. Revenge is about to taste so much fucking sweeter.

As George was walking over to where I was, I noticed Clay hadn't left yet, so I ran up to George threw my arms around his shoulder jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me before I jumped down and said, "you ready?" He nodded and as we walked away, I glared  directly at Clay. We made eye contact, and for the first time it wasn't sad, or happy, just malicious. 

Sorry for the tiny chapter wanted to get one more in before I went to bed hope you guys like this storyline, let me know your thoughts and all that stuff, thanks for the support!

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