Chapter 2

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"Yeonjun hyung, can we at least take a break? My legs are going to break already." We all stopped dancing as Kai whines breaking down on the floor.

"Kai! As much as I want to take a break. We have limited time, you know that." Yeonjun hyung tried to sound convincing yet ended up sounding close to crying out. "And stop pouting. You are not pulling that trick on me right now." Soobin hyung who is seriously dancing on the other hand stopped and let out a laugh as Kai continues to whine on the floor making baby sounds like he's not eighteen.

"Taehyunie~" Kai stopped pouting as I looked at him with a raised brow. We were all tired. That's why we had no time for these things yet this human dolphin chooses to whine instead of just going along.

"Let's just get this done Kai. We are not getting better with your whines and all. So stand up you big dolphin or we might stay up all night practicing." Kai looked at me like I was some kind of paper he was ready to rip and throw out in a bin. I looked at him with another brow raised and a face looking like 'I'm sorry but you don't seem scary to me big guy.'

"Come on guys I'm hungry and tired! Let's just finish this." The feelings are mutual for everyone in the room. Without wasting any more minutes we continued to practice the dance steps we were trying to master for tomorrow's evaluation.

We were trainees from a very well known entertainment company in South Korea. A company where BTS is under. I have been a trainee since I was fifteen, so was Soobin hyung. While Yeonjun hyung has been a trainee for a very long time and when I say long time it's when the company is still very small. He witnessed how the company grows and how the artists themselves grow. While Huening had just started training a year ago, this giant had been very hardworking and had easily coped up with the four of us.

Every month we have evaluations and since the four of us are on the same unit at the same time most of the members have trained longer they are expecting a lot from us. When I say a lot, a lot like you have to exceed their expectations and it's hell pressuring. Although most of us are used to it, the upcoming evaluations are extra pressuring because we are close to debuting.

I still cannot believe we are debuting. It was my biggest dream. All the sweats and tears are already paying off. I could still remember how all of us cried when we were called to the CEO's office. We weren't expecting much because there was never an assurance that we will debut despite having the contract of being a trainee. There are other trainees with much potential as well so the moment Bang Pd-nim announced our debut date we all cried like babies.

"Pd-nim, y-you are not joking right?" Yeonjun hyung asked, blinking a million times with lips trembling looking at the CEO.

"Kids, I will never get your hopes up with something serious like this." He said while giving us an assured smile.

"Thank you so much Pd-nim! We will do our best. Omg, I can't believe this. Bro, I'm going to cry." Soobin hyung says fanning himself using his big palms, preventing the tears from rolling out of his eyes yet ended up palming his face because of the tears.

"Pd-nim, p-pd nim, t-thank you. T-thank you." Kai burst out as the CEO continued to look at us laughing because of how we are reacting right now.

"Yah! You guys aren't supposed to be crying because this is good news. Y'all are like babies!" I'm trying to convince them not to cry because I, well I am trying to hold myself and they are not helping.

"Shut up, you brat! This is just so good I can't help myself." Kai continues to cry as Yeonjung hyung envelops him with a hug. Close to jumping themselves as they can't seem to find to calm themselves from the big news.

"God, this is so embarrassing." I was already looking up because any minute from now my tears will pour. Bang Pd-nim continues to let out small chuckles looking at us.

"Now, now off you go practice. You still have three months to prepare. Use it wisely kids, this isn't some kind of another simple evaluation anymore you used to have. The following evaluations will be stricter and you have to brace yourselves from all of the criticisms that will be thrown." His face was serious and it made us serious. Well, for a minute only as they, oh well we all burst again after hearing it.

With those final words we went back to the practice room with all of us shouting like we've won from the lottery. Well, it feels like we've won though and this actually felt better.

"Oh my God, I have to be strict on my diet." Yeonjun hyung suddenly spits that made the rest of the members stop as well.

"So I won't be eating too much bread now?" Soobin hyung dramatically breaks down followed by Kai nodding his head looking at both of them with a 'fake crying' face.

Remind me again why am I with these idiots?

"Shut up you dorks. You all look like walking sticks." Facts. I was spitting facts. They all looked healthy and didn't need a strict diet. In fact, I guess we all need to eat a little more?

"At least, we aren't tiny like you." Kai says while sticking out his tongue and trying to hide behind his two hyungs.

"Why you big dolphin! I am not tiny, you guys are just tall." And then we all ended up chasing each other not minding the time and just basically trying to sink in the thought that we are debuting.

Hell! We are debuting in three months.

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