Chapter 30

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"Hyung, you have to see this? Oh my God, you're Taehyun's boyfriend!?" Jungwon suddenly shouted while I was trying to make us some drinks.

"Hyung! Come here, faster!" Jungwon again jumped to his seat causing me to let out small whimpers as I hurriedly went to his side.

I won't deny his sudden outburst scared the shit out of me but he's expression says otherwise. He was excited and jumping on his seat happily as he pulled and clung onto my arms as he gave me his phone.

I raised a brow as I questionably looked at him which he pointed to his phone using his mouth. It was on twitter, a post by TomorrowXTogether which made me confused a bit but then turned into a surprised face when I notice it was Taehyun's.

Hello MOA, this is Taehyun. I know you have been waiting for a statement from us about the issue going around. I'm sorry it took so long but I'm here to clarify things.

First, yes, I have a boyfriend and I love him so much. The pictures that have been going around the media is true. I met him five years ago just when I was about to debut but the time didn't allow us and it took me about five years to wait for him. I'm not letting him slip away from me this time.  I'm not asking too much from everyone who can see this post but I hope you'll understand and respect us. I may have disappointed the fans so much but I apologize, I'm in love. I won't make this post long because I know you only wanted to hear a confirmation from us.

I will continue to make music and inspire MOA but please I only ask one thing from you and that is your support, both for my relationship and the group. Thank you so much for taking time on reading this post, Love you guys so much!

To my Gyu,
Hey, I did it love.

I didn't know but I felt like passing out from this news. Is this the answer already? Is the company finally giving us the freedom? My eyes watered yet I was a smiling between the tears. Jungwon noticed this causing him to panic.

"H-hyung! Oh my God. Why are you crying? W-what's wrong?" He said trying to reach out for me but then backing out again and it continues. He kept on mumbling things about what should he do as he scanned my state.

I was still scrolling through the post despite my vision being blurry trying to read some reactions from the fans who were mostly positive. Jungwon snatched the phone from my hands as I looked at him sniffling.

"Hyung, you're scaring me. What is it?" He continued to ask as I tried reaching out for something to hold me from my trembling knees. God, I'm so happy why am I crying?

I started stepping backwards until I reached the arm rest of the single sofa. That's when I let out a sigh, wiping the tears and looked at Jungwon who continued to look at me worriedly.

"Wonnie, I'm so happy." I said that made him release a deep breath like he had been holding it for too long.

"You scared me hyung. I thought there's something wrong." He replied as he made his way in front of me.

He handed me a white handkerchief which I took, although I have already wiped the tears using my hands I just don't wanna reject Jungwon's kindness.

"It was just shocking. Don't mind me." I said chuckling. He then pouted and scratched the back of his neck obviously didn't know what to react.

"I didn't know you were Taehyun's boyfriend. You didn't told me hyung." He then poutly replied looking down. I reached for his hair and ruffled it causing him to whine more.

"I'm sorry Wonnie. I just don't know how to inform you and the rest." I answered and then his looks soften as he gave me a thumbs up, not asking for more which I really appreciate a lot because I am not in the mood for some storytelling.

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