Chapter 17

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Loud cheers together with their sobs can be heard in the entire stadium.

"This has been TomorrowXTogether. Thank you everyone!" We all bowed as we said the last words. It means our last concert ended already. We all waved to almost ten thousand people feeling a little bit sad but happy at the same time.

"Yeonjun hyung you alright?" Soobin hyung asked as we reached backstage. Yeonjun hyung had started crying as we sang the last song.

"What a crybaby." I teased hoping he'd stop.

"Shut up Tae! It's not like you didn't shed a tear earlier. Just shut up!" He whined as the members laughed hard.

"No Yeonjun hyung you stop. You're too old to cry like that." I continued to teased as he grabbed my neck and tried choking me like he had enough.

"Damn, will you guys stop. I'm trying to take a nap here." Soobin hyung throwing a  plastic full of tissues which I had easily dodge while Yeonjun hyung only stick out his tongue annoying more the other one.

Huening on the hand is busy on his phone, like he always does. I sat next to him as I lay my head on his shoulders. He didn't even react so I took it as a yes.

Wow, five years. Five long years and well, we surely are making name in the music industry. We have been constantly receiving awards, opportunities and performing in different prestigious shows. Not to mention, our names had already a spot on Billboards like hell, I can't even believe it myself.

I let out a sigh as I remember someone who use to claim that we will be representing our country's name in the field of music. Five years, five long years since Beomgyu left without even letting me see him for the last time.

Five long years since a part of me was gone. Five long years since I've felt genuine happiness from someone who made me reach satisfaction. I heaved a sigh as I close my eyes thinking, how is he doing right now? Is he happy seeing me reaching my dreams?

I know. I've known everything from Irene noona. She told me everything, Gyu's decision. I was hurt, even got depressed because he never consulted me. He never tried opening up to me. He never tried to solve the situation with my help. I was angry, very because how could he made the decision himself. How could he just left without even trying to say goodbye? How could he just took my heart without giving me a warming? I've never felt like I reached my dream anymore because I had realize he was my dream. When I thought I could be happy performing and all, I didn't know I could be happier by simply watching a movie with him.

I was dumb. I felt numb after it, he made me feel like I was very easy to let go. He made me feel like I can manage without him when I can't. I won't already but I understood everything.

I understood his decision. He loved me a lot that he had to hurt himself. He had to make a decision he should have never had. He had to go back to where he didn't want anymore. I understood everything and that made it more tragic. That made me feel more hurt because I know him, he love me as much I love him but he had to make a decision.

A decision that took us to where we are right now. After he left, the company had been treating us like a royalty. If I had known about his decision, I won't stop him but I will never let go of him.

"Hyunie, are you okay?" Hyunie. God, he used to call me that. I fucking miss him so much.

"Yeah, I'm just tired Kai. Let me have your shoulder for a minute." I replied still closing my eyes as my mind wanders to the time when he used to message me after every performance we had.

Five long years and it's still him. It's still him I think about. It's still him I want at the end of the day. It's still my Beomgyu.

"Good job everyone. We shall go now since we have a flight to catch tomorrow." Noona clapped getting all our attention. When we thought we had finished everything today we didn't think that we are just starting. Hell, I just wanna hide inside a closet for a year or two.

We all obeyed and didn't even spoke because we were all drained. We have been having concerts for three fucking months and flying in and out of the country. That's how busy we are, we can't even go visit our homes. Last stop is Korea of course.

"Ahh finally, I've miss the dorm." Kai spoke after being on phone the moment we stepped backstage. Playing games had always been his way out though I didn't really know how is that called relaxing when you get stressed over winning or losing.

"I can't reach the room anymore. I'm sleeping here, night." Yeonjun hyung added as he slammed himself onto the big sofa and instantly travelled to the dream land without even taking off his socks.

"Soobin hyung!" Kai shouted from the rooms which made Soobin hyung flinched. We made our way to him and saw that he was about to burst out.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I took the bed next to his. We've always been roommates since trainee days and wasn't planning on switching either.

"Where is my Molang!?" He whined which made Soobin hyung slapped his forehead. Oh yeah, this giant can't still sleep without that giant plushie.

"Ningning, he's in the practice room and you can't shout like that you're giving us heart attacks!" He scolded and turned his back to the living room, not even closing the door.

"But—" Kai was supposed to start something when I interrupted him.

"Quit it Kai. We're all tried let's just drop tomorrow before heading to the airport." I said as I lay down, dozing off after a second.

Waking up early after having a vey busy day yesterday felt like hell. I remember sleeping and next thing I know I was being shaken by Soobin hyung who's also half asleep. I woke up and get ready not planning to take even brushing my teeth because I just wanna go back to sleep.

The rest of us went inside the bus half asleep and as soon as I slammed myself on the seat I was already back at dreamland and the next thing I know we were already inside the plane still half asleep. Damn, give us a break.

Excited for tomorrow without any reasons.

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