Chapter 13

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"I thought you have to take care of something today? I'm not gonna deny I'm happy it didn't turned out well because you're here." He said burying his face onto my neck. He was back hugging me as I placed the plates on the table.

"Actually Hyunie, I am already taking care of it." I smiled  before turning around before cupping his face. He looked confused that made my smile wider.

"You mean, your plan is to be here?" He asked.

"Yup. I'm here to ask my Hyunie a date." He was biting his lower lip trying not smile.

"But since we can't be seen outside. I figured out I take you out on a date here." I continued and I saw how his cheeks turned bright red before he smiled and pulled me out for a hug giggling.

"Oh baby, you're so sweet. I might melt." He said squeezing me while I only let out a chuckle. You're sweeter Taehyunie~

"Shall we eat? I'm a little bit hungry you know." I struggled to let out from his embrace.

"Come on Hyunie, I prepared all of this. We have to eat it before it gets too cold." I continued which made him let go and immediately sat on the chair which made me chuckled because he's just so cute.

"Wow my baby's a good cooked eh. Look at all of this delicious food." He said before mouthing a spoonful of garlic rice I made. He's other hand never left mine.

He gestured me to sit down which I obeyed and we started eating. I'm happy to see that he seemed to enjoy the food I made.

"You know you could be a perfect husband." He blurted out which made me blush. Thinking about waking up everyday with him and making him breakfast is a pure bliss to me.

"Stop it. Just because I'm your boyfriend you can't say something bad. Tell me if it's not that okay you know." I pouted although I'm confident it didn't taste that bad because I could say I'm a bit of a cook.

"It's you who needs to stop Gyu. Hell,I've never taste homemade breakfast this good. I mean you know we usually eat delivery or packed food and I could only eat something like this every time I went home. So baby, you need to be confident. I would gladly eat this everyday." He said as he continued to eat the small amount left. I'm seriously full just watching him eat.

"Aww, thanks Hyunie. I'm motivated to cook for you more." I said pinching his cheeks as he smiled showing his dimples that I love the most.

He decided to take a shower while I washed the dishes. After cleaning up in the kitchen I went to their living room to set up for our movies. We were both feeling lazy and just wanna watch movies and cuddles.

I was scrolling through Netflix when I heard a door closed and hand around my waist. He smelled like a mixture of honey and cherries which I really am addicted about.

"Did you find something interesting?" He asked me. I actually want to watch Vincenzo with him. I'm not really that picky on movies I mean I watch any genre depending on my mood.

"Hmm, I wanna watch Vincenzo." I honestly said as I click on the first episode.

"Vincenzo it is then." He agreed. We settled down on their long sofa. I was sitting between his legs, my head on his chest while his arms wrapped around me. We looked really sweet right now.

The movie was really interesting and fun. We didn't know that time had passed very quickly and we are now on the third episode. He was playing with my hair while I was focused on the screen.

"Gyu~" He called me as his hand made its way to my shoulders trying to get my attention. I only 'hmed' while still facing the screen. This is how I get to finish a whole series for a day because when I get hooked to it I won't stop until I finished it.

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