Chapter 28

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One day. I'd be lying if I would say I'm not disappointed. The moment I rode the bus the other day I had no place to go but my parents house.

I spent the entire day crying and staying in bed as I was waiting for Taehyun. If he finds me here then I'll take that as a sign to not turn my back against him until my last breath but if he won't come until today, I'll walk my way back to him because I know deep down I'd be chasing him. I can't go on thinking he won't be holding me anymore but why am I still here?

I'm guilty, so guilty to all of them who had done a lot and I never wanted to be in debt to someone but I don't even know how would I pay them back, in what way I'd be paying back when I am this broken emotionally.

I was even more broken hearted when almost part of the my parents house reminded me of Taehyun. In the living room where we used to talk and laugh a lot, in the kitchen where we made ourselves something we crave, in the bedroom where we used to cuddles and even in the bathroom where we used to brush our teeth together. It's all about him. My parents memories were slowly replaced by us and that three days running away.

My eyes were very puffy not just because I was crying so much but because of the lack of sleep. My mind won't let me rest. I keep on thinking about why was he taking so long. Had he gave up on me? A day passed, is it this his answer already?

I don't know. I don't know anymore because I can't accept it. I refuse to accept his decision, if this is it. He loves me and he will be here for me. I trust him, trust him Gyu.

Nothing but the sound of water streaming down the lake and my silent sobs can be heard. I was curled into the foam I bought since everything in the house reminds me of him and I didn't like it. I have to at least take him off my mind for at least an hour but how can I when I am always reminded of our make out sessions in every corner of the house.

So, I thought maybe the waters will calm me down a bit but I forgot we both have way more memories in this very lake and here I am bawling myself in the thought of him again.

After almost thirty minutes of just curling like a ball while crying I stood up and decided maybe I should just go back because it's no use. I miss him already, I wanted to be back in his arms again. I can't take it any longer. I need to go.

Just when I turned around I was met by his presence who was looking at me pissed, annoyed, angry, etc., name all of it. It was all written on his face and I didn't know that I was already stepping backwards but before I could go further he cupped my cheeks and kissed me aggressively. 

It was fast. It's the first time I was kissed this way by him. He was angry I could feel it from how his mouth was pressed against mine, from how his teeth was touching against mine, from how I could taste almost blood in it but I was responding. I was taking all of it like I deserve it, like it was my punishment, like it isn't enough.

I reached to grab his hair as he pulled my waist harshly. I felt how angry he was by how his muscles tensed as he was holding me. He then slipped his other hand to touch my tattoo causing me to flinch and let out a whimper as he took this opportunity to slip out his tongue inside mine brushing and swirling every corner of it.

I grip on his shirt harder as I felt the surge of lust took all over me. He was kissing me in a very different way yet very satisfying way, giving me goosebumps. He then travelled his hand to flick my buds as I tried to squirm in his arms. I tried pushing him as I remember this isn't the time for this. I wanted to apologize first for almost running away again. I wanted to apologize for making him angry but he won't even let me breathe. He won't even let go of my mouth.

"Tae—"I tried speaking between the kisses only to be lifted causing me to wrapped both my arms on his neck and my legs on his thighs.

It was then I realized that he was trying to place me in the mattress I bought with him hovering me, continuing the sloppy and wet kisses.

When to Fight || TaeGyuNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ