Chapter 18

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"Hyung, can I go now?" Jay asked me for the third time as he kept on checking his wrist watch.

"What's the hurry, Mr. Park?" I smirked as I saw him even more anxious holding his knees whose constantly shaking, a habit of his. He only gave a pleading look while I continued to grin writing on a piece of paper in front of me.

"Hyung, are we done yet!?" He continued to whine as I let out a sigh, leaning back and crossing my arms trying to figure him out.

"Hyung, please~" I chuckled as I nod giving up seeing how he was hurrying much. He immediately stood, packed his things and headed directly to door.

"Hey, Hey! No more late's okay?" I shouted while he only replied a flying kiss and speed out.

I let out a chuckle finding the younger funny. Among all our sessions, this is the first time I saw him wanting to finish as soon as possible when he used to stay until five hours even when I had other session. I checked the time and realized it's lunch time already.

After finishing up, I went out of the room and proceeded to grab lunch. I was craving for burgers since, after I had my breakfast so I'm planning to satisfied it now. With mask on, I exiled the building not even glancing the number of people that have been going in and out of the building.

After finishing the degree I dreamed off with the scholarship I was granted I started woking on this company that my friend owned whom I've met when I was still in the university. Bangchan Hyung was still senior when I accidentally met him on the library, we were arguing about a book and ended up sharing it. That's when our friendship started. He was an ambitious man, with his natural talent in music he became famous in the community. Well, for a fresh graduate it was an opportunity for me. Of course, Bangchan hyung also took months convincing me since I was planning on starting on a small clinic but I just can't say no to him because he was a great talker. Amongst that, I also liked Bangchan hyung's idea of helping those who had potential but having difficulties dealing with mental health issues.

One of the main reasons why I also didn't wanna accept the job is because a big pile of pressure was put on me but after almost a year of working, it wasn't that hard. I came across numerous people who suffered from mild to severe mental disorders and luckily, I was able to help them. It's a great feeling, it was the most satisfying feeling in the world.

When my order was served I immediately dive in. Just what exactly I need after a very long morning. The place isn't that crowded since it was located in the middle of companies that had their own cafeterias.

I fetched out my phone scrolling on some unread emails until I got bored just in time for me to finish the meal. Bangchan hyung texted me that we'll be meeting new guest, we don't call them clients because don't treat them that way. Most of the artist may it be rookie or not always compliments us in a very much satisfying way.

As I walked back, I remember Bangchan hyung reminding us to be extra focused on this new ones since they're global artist. He mentioned that the group had been consistently hitting Billboard chart for consecutive four years already but he didn't mention the groups name itself. He said sometimes it's better to surprise us which made us all more curious.

As I was about to enter my clinic, Jisung hyung came running at me trembling.

"Hyung, wh—?" I was about to ask when he grabbed my hands and panting like he was about to passed out.

"Hyung, calm down. Oh my God, wha—." I once again cut off by his sudden shout.

"B-beom, Jeongin...his, Je-jeongin is having a-ttacks. H-hurry!" My eyes widens when I realized what he was trying to tell.

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