Chapter 12

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During their first week of promotion they got their first win and I'm proud that I teared up watching my man cried because of happiness. Although we haven't seen each other for a week, Taehyun never failed to contact me every single minute.

He's just so cute. He would always ring me a message every time they will be performing on a show or a guesting. Hyunjin hyung and I have been watching together all their performance and guesting.

I miss Taehyun. I badly miss my Hyunie but I can't just barged on their building or demand a meet up because aside from they are very busy, they are also very popular and I'm afraid someone might see us together. I will never forget the promise I made to Irene Noona that I will be understanding and careful. Anyways, I get to see him often on screen and I also have been constantly updating him with pictures so that he won't miss me as well.

I was wiping the tables like the usual when I felt my phone vibrate. I immediately took it out from my pocket because it might be my boyfriend and I didn't wanna miss it for life. I've always kept my phone on my pocket every single time since I met him. I even update my cousin and grandparents often just so they won't worry like before.

I admit that Taehyun had open a soft spot of me and I'm very much thankful to that. I found out it was a message from Irene Noona informing me that she was planning to take the boys out for dinner and she invited me. Omg I love her so much

I replied back of course saying I'll be there. I'm seeing my Taehyun later and I can't wait for it anymore. She texted me back the address and the time. I ran up to Hyunjin hyung with a very bright smile that made him raised a brow.

"What does that smile mean, hmm?" He asked me although I can sense that he already had an idea why am I acting like a kid right now.

"Hyung! Irene Noona invited me for dinner later with the boys. I'm so excited." I shared while jumping and twirling around. I heard him chuckled but I didn't mind because my mind just wondered on Taehyun, Hyunie and him alone.

"So your going out early today? Does that mean I'll be taking extra shifts eh?" He asked which made me stop and looked at him like a dog asking some treats from his owner.

"Oh well, it's not like I can do anything about it though. I wanna quit being single now really." He ranted out which made me laugh because boy, he had a face like a goddamn greek god yet he's still single.

"Uwu~ thank you Jinnie hyung! You're the best hyung!" I told him while a raising a thumbs up while he only chuckled and patted my hair.

I looked at the time and it's still three in the afternoon. Times like this, I wish that time will go fast.

I continued doing my job with a smile until the clock strikes at five. I immediately bid my goodbye to Hyunjin hyung before rushing out to the bus stop. The location is quite far from the cafe and from their dorms probably to make sure that nobody can intervene their rest because the boys deserved it so much after a long preparation.

I sat up near the window again with a smile plastered. It didn't actually left my face the moment I received the message from Noona earlier which is why Hyunjin hyung had so much fun teasing me. Taehyun texted me asking what am I doing and sends a selfie of him and the members settling down on a restaurant.

They're probably waiting now. I also received another message from Irene Noona asking am I on the way already which I hurriedly typed back a 'yes'. It was already five fifty-eight and I'm almost there already, I was stuck with traffic earlier that's why I took so long.

I should have just taken a taxi instead but it's too late already. I just wanna see my Hyunie now. I was fidgeting on my seat already because what if they had already finished the meal. Although I won't mind if they ate the entire meal, I only want Taehyun. Talk about being whipped!

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