Chapter 6

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Taehyun and I have been constantly eating out during lunch for the past two weeks. Sometimes Soobin hyung and the others join but most of the time it's just us. They have become extra busier since the debut is nearing yet Taehyun and the others always find time to offer some talks only during lunch though because of their hectic schedule.

I wouldn't also deny the fact that there is something going in between the two of us that's more than just friendship. During those lunches, we have been getting to know each other as well. We bicker a lot because of random things like what food that suits our taste or which is better but most of the time we get along. It had become his habit to call me after my shift just so I don't fall asleep on the bus. Sweet

He's also very flirty maybe because he's starting to get comfortable but I also don't mind because it always makes my heart skip a beat. Sometimes I try to flirt back just so I could see how he would get flustered but I don't do it that often because I don't really want to go all the way.

I'm not sure if he also feels the way I felt towards him. That's why I'm trying to hold back though sometimes I just can't because I love seeing how he would also blush like I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets flustered every time he gets corny.

Today's Saturday which means I don't have work. I don't have any plans so I'll probably just Netflix and chill all day. Maybe pay a call to my cousin and grandparents, just the same things I do every time I don't have work.

Looking at the clock which just struck ten in the morning, I was trying to find a good series to watch though I still have a lot of unfinished series I don't plan on continuing just because I don't feel like. As I scroll through my television my phone suddenly rings.

I answered it without knowing who the caller was. A habit of mine. "Hello?"

"Gyu! Hi~" I could already tell without looking at the callers' name just from the voice.

"Soobin hyung, what's up?" I asked. I could hear Kai's dolphin laugh and Yeonjun hyungs shout at the back, probably playing around again.

"I know you're free right now. Can you come over for a minute?" He asked, pleading. My brows furrowed out of curiosity and a little concern.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked putting down the remote to pay my full attention to him.

"It's just that Taehyun has a fever and we kind of find it hard convincing him to rest since he won't listen. We know he would listen to you." Soobin hyung sounded very concerned.

I stood up as a pool of concern started to bloom in me. We talked a bit late last night and he didn't tell me he was not feeling well. I remember him coughing last night but when I asked him he just shrugged and told me he ate something very sweet. Now I'm upset and guilty as well.

"I'll be there hyung but I'm not sure how I can go inside." I was already heading towards my room to change and get ready to head out.

"Don't worry Gyu. I'll meet you up outside just ring me when you're already here. 'Kay?" I was contemplating whether I should buy some medicines or not because I know their company has an infirmary.

"'Kay. See you Soobin hyung." He ended the call while I went on changing with some blue jeans, a hoodie and a bucket hat just to hide my hair because I don't feel like styling it now.

I sent Taehyun a message asking where he is and he answered he is currently at their practice room which made me irritated a bit. I can't help but feel concerned knowing that their debut is nearing and he should already be in his best condition. He always acts tough though he's really a baby sometimes. My baby

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