Chapter-9: Without your Wolf...

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*Rachel's POV*
The next day after the dinner, as planned I visited Liam to discuss about the training plan. Steph didn't join me.
As I walked in,I was again amazed by the beauty of the place as I was the day of the dinner.

"Good morning Rachel. I suppose Henry has already signed the training contract?" Liam asked.

"Good morning Liam. Yes,I brought the contract along with me." I said.

We walked down the hall and stopped infront of a big door. We walked in and sat down.

"Who all will we be training?" I asked.

"Well, Sophie is too young for any Training. So you will be training Andrew and Susan for hand to hand combat. Whereas, Stephan would be training Carol in Sword fighting."


Liam then gave me information about Andrew's school and also timing of the training sessions. He pretty much gave me all I need to know to do my job.
My whole day was pretty much occupied by these sessions. Not only did I need to teach him to defend himself but also to attack.

" And one more thing" Liam said.
"I didn't tell Andrew and Susan that they are going to attend training sessions.So ready to go and break the news to them?" He asked.

Why wouldn't he have warned them about it?

"Yeah okay" I said with confidence.
Just then Liam ordered his servant to bring Susan, Carol as well as Andrew downstairs.

With that we made our way towards the entrance. I am a bit nervous, I don't know how they will react.
Just then all three of them walk down the stairs. Carol and Susan both were very happy to see me but Andrew on the other hand seemed to be annoyed and took out his phone and started texting away.

"Heyyy Rachel....What are you doing here?" Susan asked.

" I'll answer that but first Andrew put your phone away." Liam warned with a stern voice.

"Yeah give me a minute grandpa" Andrew replied completely unbothered.

We all waited for him to complete whatever important thing that he was doing.

"Yeah done. What is it now for which I am here?" He finally said.

" As you all know we are a very famous family which makes us more vulnerable to attacks and also Andrew you are soon going to turn 16, so I want you all to Train yourselves to fight and defend yourselves.Thats why we have hired professionals to do that." Liam said.

"Whatttt?? I don't need a trainer. I know how to fight." Andrew said annoyed and frustrated.

"Fighting in your school doesn't count Andrew and this training would also finally bring some discipline in you." Liam replied.

While Andrew was frustrated, Susan seemed to be sad? But she didn't counter Liam.

"Look kids. You all know how much I love you all. But now that Daniel is gone, everyone else will be very busy. So we need someone to teach you basics." Liam said with so much tenderness that my heart melted.

" I don't need some hot chick to teach me how to defend myself.I can do it very well on my own." Andrew barked.

"ANDREW enough!!! Treat her with respect.This discussion is over. My decision is final. " Liam shouted at the top of his throat.

With that Andrew stormed out of the room. Well, he really is like Daniel. Like father like son.

"Well...that could have gone better" I sighed

"As you already know by now,you have to spend a lot of your energy on him. He is not very good in socialising, much like his dad." Liam said while turning towards me

"Yeah..I can clearly see that."I answered while nodding.

" have met Daniel?" He asked shocked.

Oh god. What do I tell him ? Yeah that I threatened your son with a gun to his head the first time that I met him and I was very likely to kill him?

"Yeah I have met him. My friend works under him." I said. He nodded at my reply with a smile.

"You can start your training in the evening Rachel. Till then Good day." He smiled.

I thanked them and left.
*Susan's POV*

After Rachel left, I turned to my father.
"Father why do I have to train? I have trained all my life" I said with irritation.

"Susan, you know why you need to train. You can no longer shift. Without your wolf,you do not have the same strength and speed as before." Dad said with sadness.

"But I still have my vampire ability. I can use that." I countered.

"Your vampire ability can only give you speed, you strength is no longer the same. And even your speed sometimes decieves you." He said.

Well, he is right. But I have trust in My wolf, Eve ,she will help me even though I can no longer feel her.
Wolves loose their power once they loose their mates and everyone thinks that I may have lost mine..hopefully it's not the case cause I never even got a chance to meet him.
But I reluctantly nodded at my father words.
*Rachel's POV*

That Evening, Susan met me in the training ground behind the mansion. But Andrew didn't show up. Susan informed me that he has locked himself in his room from morning, so I am right outside his door now.

(Knock knock)

"Hey Andrew?"

No answer.

(Knock knock)

"What do you want?" He asked from the other side of the door.

"You are late for training." I said sternly.
I stood there like an idiot for I don't know how long for just a simple answer.He really is testing my patience,which I can say I no longer have any.

"I am not coming.I am tired."

"Open the door Andrew."

After a while he finally opens the door and looks at me frustrated.

"Thank you. Now come down, Susan is waiting."

"Look Rebecca...."


Okayy! So that's how you want to do this?

"Same thing.Look I know you are doing this for money. So let's make a deal,you tell my grandpa that you have trained me, like this you don't have to waste your energy at all on me and you can also get your full money. It's a win-win for both of us. What do you say?" He forwarded his hand for me to shake like we were making a real deal.

This kid is really smart.

I just stood there with my arms crossed.

"Well...Adam right? " I asked.

"I know that you know my name,so no need for this." He said annoyed.

"And I know that you too know my name.
But, You are way off the track Anthony. I am not here only for money. Your grandpa needed my help and that's what I am going to do. And if you think that your teenage tantrums are going to stop me from doing my job,then you are most welcome to try. If you think you know how to fight,then I challenge you to defeat me in any fight form you want. Till then, you do as I say you to do."

He just looked at me in shock. This was the first time I saw him speechless. And with that I walked downstairs proud. If he thinks that he can show me attitude than he is dead wrong. I don't tolerate anyone disrespecting me.

I just hope I don't mess things up....

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