horrible freedom

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i hate the summer
not the season
but the idea of summer
you have total freedom
go hang out with your friends
go to the beach
get a job

i enjoyed the summer when i could choose
to have no choice

i'd go to a camp
they'd tell me when to eat
they'd tell me when to sleep
they'd give me clothes to wear
they'd take me to my lessons
and it was good.

it was me
and a group of people just like me
who were overwhelmed by the freedom of summer
i never felt out of place
and we all wore the same version
if the same uniform
everyone called me by my last name
so i wasn't reminded of the first one

there is peace
i'm being confined to a schedule
and there is joy
in being just a face in the crowd

but now i am an adult
too old for summer camp
too many choices
too many friends that just aren't like me
too many parents and siblings in this house

it's only june and i am just so,
so, tired of summer

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