My mom doesn't like tacts in the walls anyways.

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My room has always been boring.
Very few posters line my walls.
My closets are closed tight.
Books are pressed neatly on the shelf.

Other kids had poster walls of whatever they wanted.
Bedrooms a mess with trinkets and toys
Books and clothes thrown about everywhere.

But those where kids without shame.
I had so much shame.
I still have so much shame.

If my walls were bare
No one could make fun of my music
Or tv shows
Or movies
Or anything else I liked.

If I only kept books on my shelves
Visitors would be bored with them
And not look for the figurines hidden in the drawers.

If I kept my closets closed
No one could see the clothes I only where in the privacy of my own room.

I'd I could hide away all the things I was ashamed of
Maybe the shame would go away

But it doesn't

It's always there.

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