the tragedy of my body (tw: self harm)

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that's the thing
you can't escape it
once you start
you can never stop hurting yourself
sure you only cut a few times
and sure, it wasn't too deep
they didn't even leave any scars
but you knew that when you started
you made sure there would be no evidence

but you're better now right?
once you start hurting yourself
you will spend the rest of your life looking for other ways to do it
you threw away the razors
but you stopped eating all your food
you don't have insomnia but you don't let yourself fall asleep
you've never had sex that's made you feel good
and you refuse to shower just so you can hate yourself for how gross you look

once you start hurting your body
you will do anything to make it feel pain
as if it deserves to be punished
for looking this way
for trapping you inside it

so don't ever hurt yourself on purpose
because you will spend the rest of your life trying to stop
only to realize that you gave up one type of
self harm for another
it will weigh you down
and it will hold you back
and you will have to work twice as hard
to find happiness

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