These Tragic Feelings ✔️

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You are just out of my reach
And it's a tragedy
Because your everything I want
Both the cliche,
And the not

Your so funny
And I mean that
Because to me it's
Very important to laugh
And I don't think I'd be so
Head over heels if I didn't
Love the way you laughed
The way your eyes light up
And your whole face glows

There's also your kindness
The way you care for others
And how you go out of your way
And do things your are in no way
Required to do
It's heart warming
To hear about the things you've done
And inspiring to witness you
Live up to the stories

I love that your not dangerous
Even though you fit the part
You fly planes
And ride motorcycles
You travel
And so much more
But it's all so misleading
Because your so kind
And caring

Twenty six letters
Just isn't enough
To describe you
Or how I feel about you
But this is the best I can do

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