Holy Lonliness (Part 3)

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The saying "God has a plan"
has always disturbed me.
It's supposed to be comforting,
another way to say that everything happens for a reason.

But I never liked that.
The idea that my choices aren't my own
That they are all preset by the Lord
All in preparation for his "plan".

If god has a plan,
and all of us are only here to be apart of it,
what does that mean for those of us who are destined for hell?

If everything happens for a reason,
if it's all apart of some grand scheme,
and all my choices are predetermined,
could I have been created just to sin?
Could I have been created, only to suffer for eternity, for some great plan?

If god is real

If I am sent to hell,
is it by the hands of the deity who calls himself our father?

If so,
What kind of father is that?

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