Infatuation At First Glance ✔️

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Like the northern lights you dance just out of my reach
Your colours always amaze me
I'll never get used to your magic
The way you make me feel
I don't believe it's real

Like a rushing river your surface always changes
Little pebbles and sticks wash away and back again
But I look deeper
And there your heavy stones lie
Never moving as they are your core

Like my favourite song I always know your beat
I know every lyric that the tapping of your shoe sings
I know every rhythm of your face when you speak
I listen closely and analyze what it all means
I always want to hear more

Like a winter breeze you chill me
Sending sharp shivers down my spine
Pricing through my body
Stripping my warm layers away
Cooling my heated heart

Like a summer storm your power excites me
I never fear your rage
Your lightning and thunder shake my bones
Your cooling rain renews me
You make me feel alive

Like a long dirt road you take me to unseen places
Your potholes and rocks make it a bumpy ride
Yet a smooth highway can only take you to a crowd
I just want it to be me and you
I like your challenges

Like the changing tides you confuse me
Make me feel special and loved
Then turn around and give it to someone else
Wash around my feet to cool me down
Then drag me under when I least expect it

Like a camp fire you warm me up
Spreading heat all over
Your smokes wards off any pests
So it's just you and me
You make your intentions clear

Like an important event you keep me up at night
My thoughts think of your thoughts
My words speak of your words
I can't help but think of our situation
And wonder if it's anything more than infatuation

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