Vacumming The Living Room

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I've been racking my brain
Trying to remember the past
The good parts
Because there was so much bad
That I think I just decided to forget it all
But today I was thinking about vacuuming
And how when my mom vacuum once a week
She would move all the couches and chairs to the corner of the living room
And my brother and I would build a fort
We'd pull the cushions off of the couch
And drape blankets from the back of one to the other
The pillows either held blankets in place
It were doors to keep our intruders.
We'd bring in sleeping bags
And open apart of the fort so we could see the television
We'd watch the backyardagains, Toopy & Binu,
And Max & Ruby until we fell asleep
When mom woke us up in the morning
We'd take it all down
Put the couches back
Then did it all over again the next week
When mom vacuumed again.

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