Yellow ✔️

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I was born grey
Like we are all born grey
Without colour
Without life or meaning
We are happy because we a happy
We are sad because we are sad
Not light or dark
I was born grey

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When I was twelve I turned red
I was red like blood
Like the blood that only came from
The sins of war
Red like a warrior
Who spilled blood that was not meant
For her to spill
Red like rose petals
With thorns that envied the colour
And dyed themselves
The only way they knew how

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For a long time I was blue
I didn't realize it until
I could no longer find the red
And I think now that maybe I was always blue
The dark ocean floor blue
That looks black up until closer inspection
The blue of my bunny hug
Four sizes too large
The blue of the night sky
Retreating from the morning sun
That's only seen if you turn away from the light

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Then one day
I wanted to be yellow
I was done being blue
I was done wishing I was still red
So I decided to yellow
Yellow like marigolds that drive away pests
Like the soft sunlight on an autumn day
Unapologetically sour when tested
Like the lemons we for some reason love
Yellow like the lines of highways
Cracked and faded in many places
But they always keep going

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