Chapter 1

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Beep Beep Beep

I turned off my alarm clock like I did everyday and lay on my bed wide awake waiting for the right moment. The first day of my second last year was finally here. Just two more years to go. Not that I hated school but school is just something you wouldn't love. I got up and headed to the bathroom to pee and take a shower.

I say down on the toilet bowl and leaned back a bit as I let my bladder free. It was the only way it wouldn't touch anything or drip outside and I'm not exaggerating. I made use of the time to comb my hair with random knots that I always got when I woke up before taking a shower.

The warm water flowed down my body and washed away the sweat I got from sleeping. I dried myself and got out to see my naked self in front of the blurred mirror. Thank the warm water for making my mirror blurred, I didn't need to see or touch myself early in the morning.

Slipping a boxer on, I let my dick dangle at the left side before stepping outside half naked to get dressed for school. Pleased with my outfit, jeans with sleeveless shirt and a jacket, I left my room to make breakfast for myself.

By breakfast, I meant Nutella with four pieces of bread and a cup of milk. That would be enough for me to last until breaktime. I gulped down the whole cup of milk and stacked the bread together so I can bite it in my mouth. I washed and cleaned everything up while risking my breakfast.

I put on my Nike shoes and walked to school while chewing on my bread. I wondered who would be in my class this year. I reached school within fifteen minutes at my pace and with my long legs. It was such a correct choice to buy that apartment and save my transport fees.

People waved and greeted me like I was a celebrity as I walked to my new class. I smiled and high fived them.

The blonde dreadlocks was sitting there. Reyna . There wasn't many girls with blonde hair that had dreadlocks in this school. Reyna was the one and only person that caught my eyes since the start of high school but I never had the chance to get close to her.

I hopped onto the table beside her and looked at her. I wanted to take the seat straight away but I wasn't sure if her friend was going to sit beside her so I poked her to check. Reyna raised her head and looked at me blindly, then squinted her eyes and said, "Yes?"

"Is anyone sitting here? Can I sit here?" I swing my legs nervously and the whole table shooked with me. Reyna nodded and I felt my heart ache for a moment. "There is someone sitting here? Sorry." I apologised, feeling super down at the moment.

"No, no. There's no one, you can sit here." Her faced blushed and she looked so cute. I plopped down onto the chair and grinned at her reddened cheeks.

"I'm Skye." I introduced myself, not sure if she knew who I was although I was quite well known as the 'hot basketballer'.

"I know." She replied and it made me feel so grateful to be well known in school for the first time.

"And you're Reyna. R, e, y, n, a, right?" I gave her my most charming smile as I looked down into her eyes. Reyna was tall but she wasn't as tall as my 6'2 at 5'9.

"Y-yes." Reyna stuttered and looked away from me. I continued watching her as I rested my chin on my hand. Was she afraid of me or did she hated me? Reyna seemed afraid to look into my eyes.

"Reyna," I called her, wanting to know why she was acting like this but the teacher walked in at the same time, so I stopped myself. "Nevermind." I mouthed to her.

Reyna ran out once the teacher let us go and I didn't get a chance to talk to her. I followed after her and to see her with her best friends, Darwin, Janice and Shelly.

"Skye! Here!" I recognised Luna's voice. She was my closest friend since kindergarten and the only one that knew about my extra part. I sighed as Luna hooked my arm and dragged me to the canteen.

"Did anything happened? Who's in your class?" Luna asked.

"I talked to Reyna and I sat beside her."

"And then??"

"Nothing happened. I told her my name and that I know who she is. That's all, she didn't even try to talk to the famous me." I stuffed all my food in my mouth and chewed like a gorilla, extremely bothered by the way Reyna treated me.

"Aww... you have a year to make her fall for you." And Luna went on rambling about the idiots in her class and so on, but none of them went in to my head. Luna knew I that like Reyna but she had never, not once pushed or forced me to get close to her.


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