Chapter 30

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We walked hand in hand like how many other students did. Our friends all found their beloved partners and left us alone. I wasn't going to complain about that, time was never enough nowadays with Skye and I didn't need my friends complaining to me about how difficult school was.

PDAs were everywhere. I bet our dearest principal didn't expect this when she made that decision of having a project for everyone. Tongues in and out of each other's mouth along the corridors, ass groping, holding of hands, etc.

I wondered what did Skye felt about all these. She covered my eyes right after this thought and guided me to our class. Okay, that gave me my answer, she thinks it's erotic and it's not good for me to see.

Once she uncovered my eyes, I stared into her's. "If I can't look at those, why is it that you can?" I boldly cupped her groin and she panicked.

Skye pulled my hand away quickly. "I- I didn't. I looked down on the floor as I walked." She said.

"I didn't say you cannot." I chuckled. "Oh right! I was going to tell you, there's a carnival nearby this Friday. We should go there together."

"Okay." She nodded stiffly, making me laugh again.

"I'm not stopping you from looking at others, just remember that I still exist. And who I am to you." I kissed her cheeks that were stiff as well.

Few days later, we made it to the carnival and Skye, whose jaws dropped, stood before the ticketing area, eyes darting from me to the crowd.

"Can we go home or somewhere else?" Skye asked, more like pleaded.

"I... totally agree with you."

With another destination in mind, I drove us to a playground, the playground that I grew up playing with Zan. There wasn't any children there, children spent most of their time playing phones these days.

"This is a place that I always visit when I'm bored." I carried on to tell her about the good old days with my idiotic brother and also the times where I came here to cry my lungs out when my results wasn't what I expected it to be. And sometimes when I got bullied.

Skye listened. She always listened to what I had to say. Her eyes were focused, body not fidgeting and legs not shaking. In other words, she paid full attention to me.

I was planning to tell her I love her at the carnival, on the carousel, when I sit behind her and then TADA! whisper into her ear that I love her. But... here we were sitting at a playground that had both my best and worst memories.

"Skye, do you want us to call each other something else? Like baby, honey, sweetheart those sort of things?" I asked, trying to think of the best way to tell her that. I went to the swing and sat on it, lifting my legs from the ground and let the it swing on its own.

Skye scratched her neck. "I think Reyna sounds good. Is there something you want me to call you by? Ray? Babe? Nana?" She followed me and sat on the swing beside me.

"Nevermind. Let's just stick with our names, it sounds better when you moan 'Reynaa~' when you cum than anything." I smiled at the thought.

I turned to look at Skye and saw her whole face rurned red. "Don't say it like that." She pursed her lips.

Bursting into laughters, I repeated, "Aahhh.. Reynaah." Skye was always embarrassed when I talked about sexual stuff, as if the thing she had on her body wasn't for sexual purposes. "Oh, I have a question."

"You always have."

"Does it feel that nice or you can't hold it back?"

Still pouting, she asked, "What do you mean?"

"I always time how long it takes for you to reach your orgasm and you never last longer than 10 minutes."

Her eyes widened. After a long pause, "You never said you want it to last longer. I didn't know, I thought you just want to see me....see it happen?" Skye blinked, raising an eyebrow.

I liked seeing her reach her orgasm indeed but still....

"I thought you enjoy seeing that... that's why I always.." She frowned and looked down.

"Hey, I enjoy seeing it and I also want you to enjoy it, don't hold back unless it feels better that way." I got down from swinging and kneeled down in front of her so I could see her face. "I know it isn't the best time to say this, but I want you to know. I love you, Skye. How long you last doesn't matter. I love you for the way you are, you always care and think about me first. I love you, so you are my first too, I want you to get the best, enjoy your life and time with me.

"Ah, but of course, it would be good if you can last longer because I don't want you to pass out and drop your weight on me after your forth orgasm while having sex with me." I ended my speech with a kiss on her lips. "Oh and it's okay if you don't want to say it back, I know you love me." I said with a grin.

Skye stared at me, obviously in shock which I couldn't understand why. What's wrong with me loving her? The awkward silence between us was killing me.

I blinked and she blinked. I blinked again. So did she.

I was about to say something when she did. "I love you too." Skye helped me up from my kneeling position. "Why did you kneel down to tell me that? You could hurt your knee." She patted my knees to get rid of the small rubber beads that were starting to sink into my skin.

"You love me." I repeated, grinning like an idiot. I knew I just said I knew she love me but still... hearing it from her was something. Something incredible. "How do you feel about it?" I held my hand out to her, holding an invincible microphone.

With a grab and twist, Skye rotated me and pulled me to her lap. I hoped the swing wouldn't break, or else my Skye would break as we fall together. "Loved." She said with her arm wrapped around my waist.

"Nothing else?"

"I love it. We both love each other." Skye kissed my cheek softly.

"Great, me too."


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