Chapter 14

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Reyna had been attempting to molest me more and more often. When we wake up, she would move her hand down and slip her hand into my boxer to touch my ass. When we go to sleep, she would move her hand higher and higher and stop below my boobs.

I was getting stressed from that, not knowing if I should do more to her too or just let her touch me. I refrained myself from masturbating because it made me feel guilty to be touching myself behind her back when I knew she wanted to touch me so much.

"Skye?" Reyna called me, stopping me from my thoughts.


"School ended and you are still sitting down which is not normal. What's bothering you?" Reyna narrowed her eyes. She could read me so well like a open book, I need to learn from her.


"What about me?"

"What you want."

"What do you mean?" She smirked and I knew she knew what I meant. I kept my things and held her hand as we walked to her car.

Reyna tossed me her keys so I unlocked the car and opened the door for her. "Are we going home?" I asked when I got in the car and started the engine.

"Mine. We are celebrating our birthday together and staying overnight too. Ready to lose you virginity on your birthday?" Reyna grinned.

I winced inwardly when she said out loud that I was a virgin. I knew she was teasing me but it still sucked to hear that. We kept quiet throughout the whole drive but we reached her house eventually. My brain wanted me to be angry at Reyna's teasing but I just couldn't, my body went automatically to open her doors and helped her carry her bag like a gentleman. It was the only good thing that my parents forced me to do and made me remember it.

There wasn't anyone home when we got in so we went straight to Reyna's room and laid down on her bed together. "I have questions." Reyna broke the silence.

"Start with the easiest one." It was one of her things to do, asking me questions.

"Why don't you initiate?" She rolled on her side and faced me.

"I'm not sure if you want it or not." I replied and she moved closer to me.

"Mommy once told me, trust is the most important thing in a relationship. Skye, remember that and I trust you. I will always believe in you." Reyna kissed me and bit on my lower lips, making me moan. She pulled back after awhile to ask her next question and I missed her lips. "Do you want me?"

"Yes but not now, we are too young for that."

"Mommy had me at seventeen and we turn seventeen today." Reyna licked her lips and something was starting to feel uncomfortable. "I have a birthday wish. Can you do that for me later?"

"What is that?" I sang the abc song in my brain.

"I'll tell you about it later. Just promise me you would do it." Her eyes lingered at my lips and she was making me want to know what it was even more.

"I promise." Little did I know that would be the most awkward and embarrassing thing for me. I smiled when she leaned down and kiss me once again, fulfilling my wants and wishes.

The angle of my neck was rather not convenient for me to kiss her so I flipped us over and kissed her more heatedly, licking her lips once in a while. I pressed my body down onto her's unintentionally but gained a moan from her, making me jump away from her. Reyna whined when I rolled away.

"Sorry, I need to stop." I realy can't take her moans. I silently read out the multiples of 7 repeatedly. We laid together, breathing hard and trying to calm down.

"I really like your dick. It shows and does more than you do. It gets hard when I touch you and twitches when you are close." Reyna said to the air while I tried to remember the next number after 49 so I ignored her.


"Reyna! Why are you so early? Did something happen with you and Skye?" Reyna's mother shouted from far away. I didn't even hear the door open.

"No!" Reyna shouted beside me. My eardrums cried out in pain to me. "Let's go down, your thingy is down already." I grimaced but followed after her.

"Oh my! Skye is here too. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAREST SKYE!!" Jane hugged me tightly as she screamed into my ear. That was genes too.

"Yeah, hi to you too, Mommy. And here I am thinking I'm your dearest daughter." Reyna said it in a sarcastic tone, and yet it still made me feel guilty for someone unrelated to me to be wishing me a happy birthday instead of greeting her own daughter first.

"Thank you ma'am." I smiled in return for her kindness.

Jane narrowed her eyes at me and said, "Did I not tell you to call me Mom? I want one more daughter." I looked to Reyna for her opinion and she shrugged.

"Thank you.. Mom." Weirdly, it felt nice to call her Mom, someone who I had only met one week ago. I felt more comfortable around her than my own mother and I liked her a lot more than my mother.

Mom gave me hugs every time she saw me and hugged me before I left her house. Her cookings were better than anyone else's which made me question Reyna's taste. The more I spend time with them, the more I want to be part of them. It made me regret not approaching Reyna earlier and getting to know them earlier.

Mom said she wanted to talk to me in private and pulled me to the kitchen. My heartbeat had never been that fast while playing basketball but the phrase 'talk in private' did that to me. For a moment I could only hear the loud thud of my own heartbeats in my ears, afraid that Mom would be different behind Reyna's back like my own parents.

Mom held my hands in her's and began her speech, "Skye, I know how much my daughter likes you and you like her too. Reyna has never came out to us as a lesbian or anything, she just brought you home that day and told us the both of yall were dating. It was rather shocking for all of us because we all know Reyna loves kids and we thought she would definitely be with a guy.

"I feel bad for doing this but if you don't want kids, don't lead Reyna on for nothing. I will always love you like my own child because Reyna likes you and you are the first one." Mom said it all sincerely and I knew she meant everything. Who wouldn't love their own child more than others.

I stared at her hands that held mine and confessed, "I... kind of knew that she wanted kids and I want kids too but we are too young. I know you had her at seventeen but I don't want people to be staring at her in school." I wasn't sure if I should tell her about myself.

"As long as you know what she wants and agrees with her, I don't care when it is. But, don't agree with her without thinking, think for yourself too." Mom caressed my hands before letting them go.

"Mom," I grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving, "I may or may not have the right thing for her."

"What do you mean?" Mom turned her head.

"I have the... reproductive system she needs to have kids." I looked for the best words to describe myself. Mom frowned as if not understanding what I meant so I added, "I have a male body part."

"Trans?" Mom looked up and down my body. "You look like a girl though."

"Intersex would be the right word." I corrected her.


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