Chapter 20

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Google, google, google. How did people planned for a date? Eat, dance, movie, talk, play, shop, walk. I wasn't a fan of all those. I did my best to plan for our date while Skye was in the shower and saved it in my phone. I only had one night to plan.

Many people went to those popular dating location like arcade, theater and restaurant, but it wasn't ideal for us. Giving it one last check, I headed for a shower once Skye was out.

"Help me dry my hair, will you?" I asked her as she sat cross legged on her bed while scrolling her phone. "And put on a shirt." Skye pouted but did it anyway.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Skye dried my hair skillfully which were no longer in the form of dreadlocks. It felt oddly comfortable when she ran her fingers through my hair.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out tomorrow." I had to keep the first date that I planned a surprise.

"You know where's the most vulnerable place on a human?"

The neck. She moved her hand to my neck, making me shiver and I hit her hand away. "No touching. You said."

"Done. Tell me abit?"

"Nope nope. Goodnight Skye, I'll think of you when I sleep, dream of me too." Hugging my tomato to my chest, I pulled the covers to cover my face from the light and drifted off slowly. Planning a date was more tiring than school.

Skye had another wet dream that night, which uh.. was amazing to watch. It kind of fulfilled my days of not being able to do anything to her. Every small thing she did was so cute, she trembled and moaned softly when it happened. Skye didn't wake up that night, her breathing increased for a short moment and went back to normal once it ended.

Once school ended, I drove us to the other direction from home. "Where are we going?" Skye questioned for the second time.

"Just wait, you'll see." I held her hand in mine. I wanted to rest her hand on my thigh but I was unsure of where her limits were at. Skye frowned at me and couldn't help but smiled at our joined hands. She was weird in her own ways, she could get happy at holding hands and eye contact. The weirdest thing was: I smile when she smiled at me.

I rubbed my thumb on her hand and released her hand to drive safely. Skye on the other hand, decided to not let me drive safely; I saw her staring at me with her head turned facing me and smiling constantly from the corner of my eyes.

It was distracting as fuck and I didn't need to get into an accident on our first date. "Stop staring." I said as my face heated up.

"Why?" Skye didn't look away.

"Because I don't wanna die here." I smashed her face with one hand without looking at her.

Skye held my hand down and kiss the back of my hand. "But you look so hot when you drive. You should drive more in the future."

"But if you don't look away, there won't be any future for us." I tackled.

Skye giggled and kissed my hand one more time then let go. "Seriously though, I like the way you drive. You focus on the road, check the mirrors and glance at me once in awhile like I would disappear into the air."

"I swear to god if only I wasn't respecting your words and you to keep this thing to holding hands only, I will make you regret you have balls." I retorted, holding the wheel tightly until my knuckles turned white.

Skye laughed and took out her phone from her pocket.

Thank god for the invention of phones. She spent quite some time on her phone and I was curious what she was doing. Looking at hotties? She said I was hot and I told her to stop looking? Oh god.. Was I jealous?

"What are doing at the beach?" Skye looked up and took a selfie with me suddenly.

"What do you think?" I blocked my face from the camera and got down from my car.

Skye rushed to me and held my hand, "Swim?" She flinched as I punched her stomach for that stupid guess. "How would I know..." Skye pouted at me.

I pointed at the place that sells seafood, "We're gonna eat there first. I believe you aren't allergic to seafood right? I remember seeing you eat shrimp." There was only a few people at the place, maybe because it was a weekday. I guess Skye would prefer being at a place with lesser people.

"What if I am?" She leaned down to watch my expression.

I smirked at her and said, "Then you would have to sit down and watch me eat, which I believe you won't mind right? Since you think I'm hot."

Skye narrowed her eyes at me, "Then I'm not. I want to eat and watch you eat at the same time."

"I hope you'd want to eat me one day, because I want to eat you so bad." I whispered into her ear, holding back from biting it. Her hand shivered in mine and her ears turned red, making me laugh. "Get used to it, I'm suffering so you should too."

Skye didn't say anything else and opened the door for me to go in first.

"Welcome!!" A middle aged lady invited us in to a table. "Is this your first time here? I've never seen yall here before."

"Yup." I answered.

"Do you need some suggestion on what to eat here or..?" I nodded and she told us all sorts of dishes in which we really ordered.

As we waited for them to serve the food, we talked about our childhood for the first time. Skye had never went to an amusement park or played at playground with friends. She said her parents made her learn piano, violin, golf at the age of four and the rest of her time were spent with her tutor to learn etiquettes, greetings, postures, expression and, as she said, many other useless things. She and her sibling were freed were they turned 14, whereby they have to go to school and could do whatever they wanted as long as they didn't get into any trouble, if they did, their parents would get them back and follow the route that their older siblings went through.

So, I was guessing there was someone near her that reports the things going on in her life, and they would know that I exist. Holy shit. In conclusion, Skye was basically a rich kid that had never experienced the things we normal kids did.

I recorded down the things that she had never done for us to do it in the future. We took a stroll at the beach and sat down on the sand. "I think... if we were to get a house, we should buy one by the beach." Skye said while digging a hole in the sand with her hand.

I covered up the hole with one push of the sand and Skye frowned. "Thinking so far huh? Then I want a big house with enough room for six kids, including you."

"I don't wanna be your kid, I want to be your other half that you can rely on."

"So you do want kids." I said it as a statement.

"I want you and anything that comes with you."


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