Chapter 3

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"Gimme a minute." I dashed into my house and checked if there was any socks or underwear lying anywhere. It was a habit of mine to strip everything until I was left with my boxer once I got home because it was annoying to wear a bra when my boobs were small.

Picking up all the small clothings, I threw them into my room and closed it. "Done." I grinned and invited her in. "Do you want something to drink? Coke?"

"Water is fine. Where are we planting the green beans?" Reyna went straight to the point while I poured some water for her.

"The balcony." I stated and cursed when I remembered the balcony was in my room. "Uh... gimme a moment." I darted into my room and pushed everything under my bed. Without making my bed, I let Reyna in and showed her the balcony, hoping she didn't see anything that she wasn't meant for her to see.


"Yeah, I know the view is quite nice." The view from the balcony was partially why I bought this building. It was an empty field with a few trees and long grasses. To other people it may not seemed great but I liked greens and greenery.

"No, its the tomatoes." Reyna pointed to my pot of tomato plant that had quite a number of small green tomatoes hanging on it. I had only four plants at home which were tomato, mint, cucumber and aloe vera. Reyna squatted down and took a clear look at my tomatoes.

"When it turns red I can give you some, if you want." They were my precious. I watered them day and night just to wait for them to grow until I can eat them but I could always spare some for Reyna, since I like her.

Her whole face brightened up when I offered to give her some. "Really? Yes!" Reyna exclaimed. She seemed to love the tomatoes. I should plant another pot of tomato just for her.

I felt sad for my cucumber, aloe vera and mint as Reyna ignored them and didn't even recognised their existence. I loved them all the same. I ran off to get a few pots and extra soil to plant the green beans and Reyna was still admiring my tomatoes.


I took out my phone and took a selfie with Reyna and the pot. "Can I have your number? Uh.. so that I can send you the photo." I offered her my phone and she took it.

"I'll do the submitting of selfie since we're planting it at your house. Next time use my phone for the selfie. I'm leaving now." Reyna returned my phone.

"Can I walk you back to the school?" I asked. Reyna cocked a eyebrow but agreed. Once again, we walked side by side in awkward silence until we arrived at her car. "Bye." I said my goodbye and she waved at me. Believe it or not, every small thing she did or said to me made sparkles erupt within me.

I watched her car drive away and stood there like a statue. Damn, I missed her already. How did I kept myself away from her all this time? I sprinted home to get rid of Reyna from my thoughts and continued to run on the treadmill in my gym room.

I had two room at home so I made one into a gym room so I could stay at home to exercise. Going out was something I hated and I rarely went out with Luna unless it was her birthday or some special day.

。ì _ í。

The green beans was about three inches now. Reyna had been visiting my house for quite some time now and she had been paying more attention to my tomatoes than me everytime she visited. We chatted more recently about homework and school but nothing about our lifes or ourselves.

"We can drive here instead of walking from now on." Reyna spoke to the tomatoes that were turning slightly red. She looked at me when I didn't reply. Oh, she was speaking to me.


"My brother's tablemate will drive him home because they planted it at my house." Her attention went back to the tomatoes.

"Oh." I should have bought a car so I can drive her home too.

"You ate one?"

"Hmm?" What did I eat?

"The tomato. One of it is gone." Reyna frowned as she recounted to tomatoes.

"Ah... I may or may not have ate it last night because I was bored." I scratched the back of my neck, feeling a bit guilty.

"Was it nice?"

"It.. just tasted like tomato?" How was I supposed to describe the taste of a tomato if it tasted just like a tomato?

"I should get going." Reyna got up from the tomatoes and cracked her bones.

"Do you want to stay to do homework together?" I finally opened my mouth to say this after so long. I had always wanted to make her stay for abit longer than the fifteenth minutes she was here for for the past two weeks.

Reyna pondered for awhile and said, "Tomorrow."

I'm the green bean.
I want to be tomato too.

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