Chapter 28

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It had been weeks since I last saw them. I didn't know what to expect from them as always. They were unexpected, they acted randomly on random days just like Reyna.

One thing I knew was: Mom was always loud.

"AHHHH! OH GOSH SKYE IS HERE!! FINAAAAALY!!!" Mom ran and jumped on me.

"Mommy, get down. She's mine." Reyna said.

Mom laughed and squeezed my arms. "I haven't seen her in so long."

"I'm sorry, I had something to do last week. I'll come here with Reyna every week from now." I promised her.

The weekends went by like a flash. It felt like I had a real family for once even though we weren't related by blood. Shar and Shawn were just... siblings that were like close friends who played with me since young. Mother and Father did not treat me like Reyna's parents did.

I liked them. And I was sure I will make them my real family.

For the past few days, Reyna made me climax a few times before we slept. I did not pass out. I was so proud of myself for not passing out. It felt even better to sleep beside her after she touched me until I climaxed.

Reyna was fabulous, wonderful and mine. All mine. And I was thankful for that, she was mine even when I had nothing worthy for her.

I sat on our bed and waited for her to come out of the toilet so we can go to school. She was taking longer than usual and I got worried.

"Reyna? Are you okay?" I knocked on the door before asking.

"Yeah... it's just.. pain." She said weakly. It made me worry even more.

I broke into the toilet that wasn't locked and quickly closed my eyes when I saw her sitting on the toilet bowl with her short along her thighs. "Uh s-sowwiee. I just.... got worried when you said you were in pain. I thought something happened to you..." I turned away from her so I could open my eyes. "Are you really okay?" I asked again, her face looked pale just now.

"It's just period cramps. I'm fine." Reyna replied. I was about to believe her when I heard her grunts, it sounded like she was very pain.

I scratched my neck as I tried to think of what to do. "Ermm...maybe you could go back and lay down while I get you some painkillers and warm water? I'll be back. Super fast. Gimme a moment." I dashed out and ran back again to close the door, then went to get the pills and water for her.

I searched for how to soothe period cramps and found a few things:
Put a heating pad on the stomach;
Massage the lower stomach;
Painkiller; and

"Reyna?" I called out to her. She was laying on our bed with her eyes closed. "I got the pills and water." Reyna groaned in acknowledgment so I helped her up slowly and fed her the pills and water.

She looked like she was going to faint any moment. Google said girls were sensitive when they are having cramps, I closed the curtains and walked as quietly as possible, letting her have her rest. "I'm not gonna die, don't act like I'm dying." Reyna said.

"I know, I'm going to stay home with you in case anything happens." I kneeled down beside her and kissed her forehead. "Can I?" I pointed to her shirt. Reyna smiled as a reply which I was guessing was a yes.

I rubbed my hands to make them warm and caressed her lower stomach carefully. She seemed to relax under my hands, somehow implying that I was going a good job.

"Is there anything that you want to eat? I'll make it for you." I asked, knowing she wasn't asleep.

"I'm not hungry." Reyna looked at me and grinned. "But, I don't mind eating you. I would love to get a taste of you."

I moved up to kiss her since it was what she wanted. With the bitter taste of the medicine still in her mouth, she was still good. Reyna was everything to me. I just knew, I want her to feel good and no pain, I didn't like the way she was in pain or sick.

"Although I like this, I prefer the lower part." She said between kisses, sucking my tongue and lips slowly.

I was wrong. What Reyna wanted was..... definitely not kissing. "Next time, I promise. For now you need to get better, I don't like to see you like this."

We cuddled for some time until I heard some sounds from her stomach. Kissing her forehead again, I carried her and walked together to the kitchen and sat her down on the counter. "Mac and cheese?"

"Yes." As I cooked, Reyna asked me if she could ask me questions. I nodded and she started her millions of questions.

"Do you ever wished you could be like a normal girl?" Reyna asked.



"When I was 10, I got this random erections in school during classes and I was wearing skirts. My parents gave me a choice to choose my own gender when I was 6 when they found out I wasn't a normal child and I didn't want to be a boy so I ended up wearing skirts. Wearing a skirt wasn't that bad, it was easier to hide it under skirts than pants.

"It got worst when I got older. It sort of grew bigger... as I grew older and the random erections became more frequent. I hated it and always hid it under my thighs. Back then, it was so painful but I didn't want others to know I was different." My crotch ached as I thought of those.

"The time when I really hoped I didn't have it was when I was 12. I began wearing loose pants and boxers because it was more comfortable that way. I'm not sure if I was being paranoid or what, but it felt like everyone was talking about me and laughing about me. And yeah, I wanted to be a beautiful girl that people liked."

I took a slight glance at Reyna when she didn't say anything only to see her crying. "Why are you crying??"

"I didn't know... my precious girl when through so many things....for it to exist and let me play just like this." Reyna sobbed into my shoulder.

"And now I'm as perfect as you like me to be, you said it. I'm fine now, with you." I laughed at her sudden change of emotions.

Her sobbings only stopped when we finished eating. How could someone cry and eat at the same time? I watched her eat in amazement and fascination.

When we were done, I cleaned up after her as she sat there, yawning for the forth time since I started washing the dirty plates. "You wanna go shower first? Then take a rest?" I asked with my back to her.

"Mm? Nooo, I want to look at you." Reyna said.

I laughed and quickly finished my chores, then dried my hands on my pants. "You're tired." I caressed her head that was resting on the dining table.

Reyna shook her head and pointed her finger at me. "You are trying to get rid of me. What are you gonna do when I sleep?"

"Look at you."

Reyna narrowed her eyes at me and pinched my nose. "You better be looking at me when I wake up. Now, shower with me."


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