Chapter 19

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Seeing Skye in her boxers and bra made me want to feel her abs again. I would have done so if she wasn't holding my hands in her's.

"I'm scared." Skye looked at our hands while fidgeting my fingers that were on her lap.

"Of what?" She looked at me without replying. "Me?"

"Not exactly you, but because of you." She didn't elaborate, so I wanted to ask more but she stopped me before I could. "Can we cuddle?"

Cuddling was something we do every night when we sleep and yet she was asking me for that now, way before our usual timing but I did it without any other word. She off the lights and pulled me down with her. With her head pressed into my boobs, I ran my fingers between her hair slowly.

"I want to make you happy but I don't know how. I don't want it to be just you initiating but I don't know how. Can we forget about all this and go back to the hand holding phase? And let me do everything from the start, from holding hands, kissing, dating, wearing couple things to more. I will do better, I've been researching on how to do that." Skye paused awhile for my reply and whined when I didn't give her one, "Please?"

I laughed at her whines, she was so cute. As much as I don't want to forget what had happened previously, I didn't had the heart to reject her. "Okay." The way her heartbeats quickened at my answer showed me how it excites her.

"Gimme one last minute." She said into my chest and hugged me tightly.

One last minute for what?

Skye let go of me and rolled to another side of the bed. "From now on, let's not do more than holding hands. No kissings and cuddlings."

Goddamn it. She put my giant tomato between us and held my hand.

"Can I get one more kiss?" The whole bed shooked lightly and I guessed she shook her head at me. "But you got to hug me for one more minute just now." I frowned at her although she can't see.

The bed moved and her lips landed on mine. Before I could reciprocate, she pulled away and I almost cursed. This girl really knew how to trigger me.


I missed hugging her even when she was right beside me. People around us were almost the same as me, having trouble focusing. They were either holding hands, talking to each other or leaning together. I think the school project was turning every tablemates into couples or at least good friends.

I wondered what the teacher thought about us. Skye's presence was distracting me from studying and paying attention to our teacher, so I did the only thing that I could do. I held her pinky and she eyed my curiously but I shook my head.

The hardworking and clever student was supposed to be me and yet she was acting super focused. Or maybe she really was focused. She let me have her left hand and wrote down notes with her right hand. It didn't mattered if I was listening or not because I was ahead of them and I always read and research on the things that I didn't understand. School was purely for fun.

"Hey," I whispered to Skye. "If we are going to continue doing this, you have to wear more than your undergarments when you sleep, or else I'm not sure what I will do when you fall asleep."

"Mm." She nodded but I wondered if she heard me.

"I will do the things I did on your birthday." She hummed in response again. Skye definitely wasn't paying attention to what I was saying. She yelped when I bent her pinky backwards and stared at me with eyes wide opened. "I hate you." I tossed her hand away and went back to my notes.

"Wait what? Why? What did I do?" Skye looked super flustered. I ignored her and let her suffer with me.

I left Skye to Luna and walked with Janice and Shelly instead. Who knew where did Darwin went. The girls gossiped about the new couples in their classes and how everyone became so lovely in school.

"Girls, I want to kill Skye. Like seriously." And they stopped their conversations.

"That.. sounds bad. What did she do?" Shelly asked.

"No wait. Lemme guess, she overstepped your boundaries? Touched you down there? Oh dear, you lost your V?" Janice bombarded me with stupid guesses that I would rather it happened.

"She want us to go back to newly couple. Like brand new, hold hands only. I would rather she touched me but she totally blocked me out."

"Rey, we can't help you and you know that. We love each other so much we don't face those problems. You know it." Janice smirked at me and Shelly smacked her head. She wasn't wrong, they knew what they wanted and were totally meant for each other.

I need to understand Skye better.

"Hold her hands then, occasionally tease her and let her know you want more. Telling each other everything would make things easier. That's why we are like this," Shelly held their hands up, "we both know each other since we are kids. You can do it, don't block her out like that, it hurts."

Shelly patted my shoulder and pushed me away from Janice. "Go to her, ain't it the first time for the both of yall." She leaned closer and whispered, "We used to be like that too, we just didn't ask for help. Ignore what Janice said, talking works the best, no sexual stuff."

I roamed around, thinking through what Shelly told me. Buying a bottle of Skye's favourite, oolong tea, which I had no idea how was it nice... I walked up to her.

"...cause I didn't listen to her? I didn't touch her? Reciprocate? Luuunaaa helppp.." Luna looked up at me and I put my finger on my lips, telling her to not let Skye know I was behind her.

"I don't know manz, you should know her better." Luna said.

"But she said she hate me, that's the first time. Is it a fight? I don't want to fight with her." Skye groaned and I sticked out the cold bottle to her neck, eliciting a loud shriek from her. "Who the f-" She stopped when she saw me standing behind her. We stared at each other in silence and she broke it by apologising, "I'm sorry."

"Why you? You did nothing wrong." I passed Skye the bottle and she smiled.

"Really?" Skye held the bottle like it was the most precious thing on earth. "I almost cursed at you..."

Luna bursted out laughing all of a sudden, "Sooorry, yall are so funny. I need to find someone like you too, my life would be so exciting. Bye gurls, enjoy your lovely break time." Luna grinned at me as she leave us alone.

I moved over to sit at the seat Luna left and faced Skye. She was not drinking the tea but staring at it. If I didn't stop her I think her eyes will drill a hole into it. "I think cursing is hot."

"I think it's rude."

"I think I want to bring you out for a date."

"What?" Her jaws dropped.

"Tomorrow night." She continued looking at me blankly. "I'll take that as a yes. Let's go, bell's gonna ring."


The Fall of Skyeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें