Chapter 7

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I woke up before Skye did again and I dashed into the toilet to get rid of the disgusting blood from my period. I sat on the toilet bowl for about ten minutes and thought about what happened last night.

Skye had a dick, a big one and it was on my hand last night. It wasn't a clear view but it was shaped beautifully. The warmness, softness, hardness and lastly, the thickness were all unforgettable. It wasn't the super thick kind, it was just nice for me to wrap my finger around. Perfect for me. Did the sight of her dick turned me into a dick person?

I brushed my teeth and laid beside her again, waiting for her to wake up or if possible, show me the thing that happened last night again. Skye didn't wake up, so I woke her up at six.

"Skye, Skye. Skkkye." I poked her sides and she moaned. It sounded like last night. What if I did the same thing? I caressed her stomach, lower stomach. I moved my hand down her abs and stopped at the waistband, wondering what would it look like without her boxers.

There was some movement within her boxers but Skye woke up at that moment. I watched her stretched and caught a glimpse of her bulge. "It's a few minutes past six, we still have to go to school and I need to go home."

"Argggh. Gimme a moment, I'll make you breakfast before you leave." Her husky voice sounded hot too. Skye got into the bathroom and did her businesses, then skipped to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I stared at Skye as she did her stuff and we ate the sandwich together. I didn't say anything about her dick because she haven't told me about that part of her. Maybe she wasn't comfortable with letting people know. It was probably why she had been single since first grade.


"Oh my oh my, you look so bright today." Janice said as she hooked my left arm and Shelly hooked my right arm. "What happened?" She poked my side and I flinched.

"I stayed over at Skye's house last night." I told them after multiple times of poking and I almost died.

They both screeched into my ears and I think my ears were bleeding. "OUR REYNA IS GOING TO LOSE HER VIR-" They both said together and I covered their mouth before they tell the whole school I was a virgin. "People knows you are one. Don't be shy." Shelly whispered into my ear and I shivered.

"What did I do to have yall as my best friends?" I sighed as we walked to the canteen.

"Come on spill it, what did you do for her to make you stay?" Janice asked and all three pairs of eyes stared at me.

"I'm on my period."

"OH. So?" All three of them replied at the same time.

"I wasn't feeling well, so she let me stay." and then I saw her orgasmed in her sleep. Technically I asked to stay and she agreed so it's more or less the same.

They went on the talk about their parents, siblings, classmates blahblahblah. I wasn't interested in those. I was interested in Skye. Darwin waved his hand at my face and I snapped my eyes to his. "What?"

"You were daydreaming. What are you thinking about." Darwin raised his eyebrows and smirked like the typical villains from movies.

I wanted to keep Skye to myself, so I shooked my head and the bell rang just on time. Even the bell was on Skye's side. "We are gonna be late for class." I smiled at them.


The green bean looked like a normal plant now, with leaves and stem thick enough to hold itself up. We took our selfie and submitted it straight away in case we forgot to do it.

"What do you want to eat today?" Skye checked with me before cooking.


"Okies noted. I need about twenty minutes." Skye galloped out of the room and hummed to herself.

A few moments later,
the smell of tomatoes filled my nostrils. I liked tomatoes since I was young and Skye's tomatoes taste even better, which made me looked forward to the things she cooked for me every day after school.

"DONE!" She shouted from the kitchen, making me drop my pen so I could go and eat.

Skye grinned at me when my jaws dropped at the sight of the big plate of tomato fried egg and nothing else.

"There isn't anything that I know about you other than tomatoes are you favourite, which is why I bought lots to tomatoes just for you." Skye smiled at the egg, but her smile seemed sad, like when Mommy bought your favourite toy but you just wasn't happy.

"How bout we tell each other one thing about ourselves every day?"

"Sure." Skye replied and I wondered when would she tell me about her extra body part.

I mixed the egg with my rice and ate it quietly as I tried to think of something about myself. "I've been friends with Janice, Shelly and Darwin since kindergarten." It was the only thing I could think of at the moment.

Skye nodded and thought for awhile before say, "Mmh my daily allowance is 3000 dollars." and my tomato flew out. I meant I choked on my rice but it resulted in the things in my mouth to be cough out. "Oh shit" Skye poured a cup of water and gave it to the coughing uncontrollably me.

"USD?" I asked once my choking ended. I didn't believed what she said. No. What she just said was unbelievable but Skye nodded. "What? No, how?"

"My family is rich."

"This is your apartment?" Skye nodded, "It belongs to you?" She nodded again. "But you don't have a car." I stated instead of asking.

"There wasn't a need to. Should I buy one?" Skye watched me intently. "Is there another car you like? I can buy that."

I frowned at her statement. It was her car, she was supposed to choose her own car and yet she was asking me for my preference. "No, don't buy it if you don't need it."


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