Chapter 25

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"A gift for you." Skye pulled out a small bag from her bag. Where did that came from? I was the one who packed her bag.

"Suddenly?" I asked and she nodded. I took it carefully from her, looking in to see a box. I glanced from the box to Skye and asked, "Open now?"

Skye nodded eagerly, as if looking forward to see my reactions. I opened it to see two identical bright small rings inside. Was it her way of proposing to me? For more information, we were in my car, ready to drive back home.

"Rings?" I asked, wanting to here more on why she bought us rings.

"Mhmm. Couple ring, on our pinky." Skye showed me her finger. "You don't want it." She frowned and lowered her head. Dammit, I was shocked, not didn't want it.

"Of course I want it. I just thought you were proposing to me for a minute." I tilted her head upwards to meet my eyes. Her eyes looked so sad. I kissed her forehead and asked for her hand.

Instead of giving me her's, she took mine and pulled out the ring. "Can I?" Skye asked, blinking her puppy eyes. I nodded.

Skye grinned, hand shivering as she put my ring on for me. It fitted just nice, making me wonder how long had she been planning to buy us rings and getting the correct sizes.

There wasn't anything on our rings except a date, our first day together. Our names wasn't on it. It was just an observation, I didn't mind what was on it or not. I did the same for her too.

"Why the rings?" I asked.

"My sister said girls like gifts, so... gift." Skye shook her hand with the ring on.

"Thank you." I kissed her hand. "Is there something you like or want to have?"

Skye thought for awhile and replied, "You." She smiled and added, "Your smile, always. Not when you do stupid things to me but when you get really happy over something." That's why I said my Skye was my purest baby.

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"Tell me, how many times have you masturbated since our birthday?" I asked, smiling and rotated the ring on my finger constantly. I was not used to having a ring on my hand.

"None." Skye showed me an 'O' with her hand. She never lied to me but I was having trouble believing her answer.

"Are you serious?" I double checked and Skye nodded in silence. "Today morning?"

"Cold shower." She touched her ring like I did. Seemed like she was not used to it too.

"Yesterday?" I asked, slightly shocked.

"Cold shower." She repeated. That meant she didn't do it for about a month. That was so.. torturous. I had to give her some pleasure.

I went back to study while Skye did her chores that I'd never helped because I can't do them well and it would only end up worse. Sometimes it felt like I'm pretty useless except for keeping Skye accompanied, but seeing Skye look so carefree while doing her work felt comforting.

She would sweep the floor, followed by moping, cleaning the toilet, and then kitchen. I swear her muscles came from doing house chores.

"Skye Skye Skye Skye Skye." I shouted from the room.

"Yesyesyes?" Skye replied, her voice getting closer to me.

"Can we do something that makes me happy today?" Skye stood blinking at the doorway, clearly confused by what I just said. "Nevermind. Wait not nevermind, later. For now, are you done?"

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