Chapter 13

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All six of us sat and ate together like we were friends since forever. Darwin kept stealing glances at Luna while feeding himself in the nose, Shelly and Janice were the lovely couple that held each other's hand while eating, and lastly, Skye kept smiling at me as she ate her food which was stressing me out.

We didn't talk much other than Darwin and his lame jokes that were only making Luna laugh. We went separate ways once we finished eating. "I have a bunch of questions to ask you." I held Skye's hand as we walked to class.

"Start from the easiest one." Skye pulled out my chair and motioned for me to sit before sitting down on her own.

"Ever had a girlfriend? Or boyfriend?" I played with her fingers one by one. Her hand was bigger than mine and fingers were also longer than mine. I liked her hand, it was smooth and rough at the same time, with a few calluses on her palm below the pointer and middle finger.

"I thought you knew... No. How dare you say boyfriend." She closed her hand and left me with her middle finger.

I chuckled and opened her hand again. "Do you ever feel lonely while living alone?" I touched her fingernails that were short and clean, unlike mine. I was lazy to trim them.

"Yes. It was partially why I joined basketball, to keep myself busy and away from home. Ever since the green bean, you are always there with me, accompanying me."

"Why did you choose to study here and live here alone?" Skye closed her hand around my pinky and bend it back until I winced.

"Sorry. I wanted to move away from my parents and live my own life, though I had to use their money because I didn't want to go out and work."

I bend her finger to revenge and she yelped out loud, gaining my laugh and our clasmates attention. "Why do you like me?"

"You don't go around flirting with people like other girls. Your voice, your laugh, your smile and your looks make me want to look at you, be near you." She leaned towards my ears and whispered, "You body is also one of it." Skye kissed my cheeks and continued, "I smile when I hear you laugh. I will try to find a seat where I can see your face during breaks and ramble to Luna everything about you. The last point is: I've never seen you with a boy."

I fondled with her hands and asked my last question, "who are your parents?"

"I knew you would ask this." Skye sighed and lowered her head on my shoulder. "What's the largest investment company you know?"

"Greenhouse Group?"

"What's my surname?"

"Green? Oh god." I covered my mouth. "You belong there?"

"I don't, I'm one of them." Weight lifted from my shoulder and I turned to face her. "It changes how you see me, doesn't it?" She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.

The teacher chose to walk in at that timing but I cupped her face and kissed her, making the whole class scream. "It doesn't. You are Skye, your family doesn't define who you are and being one of them just means that you are rich. Richer than me."

"Class!" The teacher slammed the teacher's table. "IT'S LESSON TIME!"


Skye cut down the pods and I took a photo of them. We opened them, counting the number of green beans to make sure there were at least a hundred before putting it all in a ziplock bag.

"We are done." I grinned at Skye with the bag full of green beans but she didn't seemed happy. "Why are you sad?"

"Will you still come here everyday?" So this was what she was upset about.

"No." I paused for a second and tears dropped out of her eyes. "I'll spend every night with you if you want." Wiping her tears with my thumbs, I kissed her softly, tasting the salty tears that were on her lips.

"Really?" She pulled back and asked.

"I was going to tell you on our birthday as your birthday gift but you looked so sad. It is a gift from me and my family, will you accept it?"

"Yes." Skye replied and her tears flowed out even more.

"Why are you still crying?" I panicked.

"You." She sobbed. "Why are yall so nice?" I slapped her thighs hard. "Ouch, you are not nice."

"Say it again."

"You are very nice." She pouted.

"Now make me lunch."


Skye washed her face and went to cook. I followed after her like a puppy and watched her cooked while sitting on the counter.

"Why do you eat the food I cook when your Mom cooks way better?" Skye asked as she cracked eggs.

"I like yours more." I bit a mouth of the tomato beside me and moaned.

"Don't moan at food. What if I tell your Mom you said that?" Skye scolded me for moaning at food. I remembered moaning when I ate the salad she made for me for the first time and she ran away. Was she thinking of something else?

"Go ahead, she knows I like your's more than her's." I chewed on the tomato and moaned again, curious of what it does to Skye.

"Stop!" She kicked my legs with her long legs and I stopped. "You told your Mom every thing about me?"


"The part too?"


"What?" She turned and frowned at me.

"Jokingggg." I laughed but she didn't. "Does it turn you on when I moan?" I needed to change the topic and it was the only thing that came to me. It worked, she went back to cooking. "Hmm?" I tried to moan in a sexy way and she kicked me.

"Don't!" She shouted.

"Okay okayy don't be angry." I hopped down the counter to hug her.

"Move, I can't cook like this. Sit down and wait." She pushed me off with one hand while flipping an egg with the other. Hot.

I sat at the dining table while watching Skye do her magic. She stood there in a sports bra, boxers and an apron and I was drooling at the sight of her muscles instead of the smell of food. The muscles on her shoulders and back were carved perfectly. Skye turned over with the frying pan in her hand and placed it on the table.

"If I were to see you naked one day, you should cook naked forever." I said to Skye as she scooped the noodles into a bowl and passed it to me, then poured the remainings into her own bowl.

"That one day should never be here. You wouldn't keep your hands to yourself after that." Skye sat down on the chair opposite of mine and began eating.


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