Chapter 17

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Skye was so drained, she fell asleep seconds as I cuddled with her but I couldn't. I was way too high after touching her like that, hopefully she would be more comfortable with me. Her consistent breathing was the only thing that was bring me down from my horniness.

It was so funny to see Skye panting like hell after the forth time with her dick softening in my hands. Her flaccid dick felt so cute, it was soft and smooth although I liked the hard one too. The next thing I wanted was to see her totally naked.

Just one last time before I sleep.

I held her dick in my hand and she moaned softly in her sleep. It was the last thing I remembered before I slept for the night.


Skye was still sleeping when I woke up as always, well, maybe more expected today. I sat up and saw her boxer lying on the floor and grinned. That meant she wasn't wearing it. She was lying on her stomach with her face flat on my bed. I wondered if she was still alive.

I leaned across to spy at her dick like a pervert and saw only her balls and asshole. Her dick was probably under either of her thigh lying flat like how Skye was. Her balls looked so adorable and identical, roughly the size of an egg each. Was it why she could cum so much? Those are gonna end up in my mouth one day.

Talking about cum, Skye had never said it once last night. She just patted on me or groaned loudly before she cummed like rapid fire. Was she a pure little kid that had never watched porn before? But she had a fleshlight at home right beside her bed. As I was staring at her tight ass, Skye flipped over, showing me what I wanted to see.

Nice view, I felt like grabbing it again. Was it something like was a pervert does?

Skye moved her hand and patted her dick, making me look up at her. She had her eyes opened and looking at me. "Holy shit." She cursed, "Stop staring." She covered herself and sat up.

"Now you're shy again? After how many times was that?" I huffed out a laugh.

"Four." She muttered. "Where's my boxers?" I patted her leg and moaned at her, mimicking what she did last night and she blushed. "Stop." She whined.

"Don't wear it, I like the view." I slided my hand along her thigh, eliciting a moan from her. "I hope you've recovered for me." My hands moved lower to cup her balls and it felt something rough. I grinned at my new discovery of Skye, she shaved everyday to keep her balls and dick smooth.

Giving her a peck on her cheek, I stood from the bed and picked up her boxers for her before heading into the toilet. I stopped at the door and turned back for one last glance before she hide it from me again for who knows how long again. I smiled and screenshot the view mentally, she was kneeling on my bed with her boxers around her thighs, dick and balls dangling in the air.


"Skyyyye, help me chooseeee." I stared into closet unable to choose which one I should bring to Skye's house.

"Just wear mine." She sat on the floor while waiting for me to make up my mind.

"Yours is too big." I flipped through my undergarments, wondering which on would Skye be into. Lacy? Red? Black? Cotton? I should try out her reactions. Holding the red one over myself, I turned over to show Skye and her jaws dropped, making me burst out laughing. She liked that.

Skye covered her eyes and said, "You aren't supposed to show people your bra like that. You weren't like this when I first talked to you, I don't like this version of you." Skye pouted and looked down to her lap.

"You weren't like this too, you were soooo confident but now you just hide. I still like you like this so you should like any sides of me." I ran my fingers through my clothes and picked random ones out. "Why don't you say you're going to cum before you cum?" It had been bothering since just now.

"It sounds like porn and I don't like it."

"Then how are you going to say it?" I folded my clothes and packed them into my luggage.

"Must I say it?" Skye walked over to help me because my clothes wasn't fitting into it. I wasn't those tidy person like Skye so Skye refold my clothes and stacked them nicely.

"Isn't it better to let me know?" I watched her fold my clothes like a professional retail worker.

"Right... then you think of it." Skye closed and zipped the luggage easily. She carried it up and walked out of my closet to put it beside my door.

"Nevermind, let's just go without saying it. Do you like using the fleshlight?" I asked.

"Fleshlight?" Skye seemed to not know what it was.

"The one inside the second drawer beside your bed."

"Ahh... I totally forgot about that. My brother gave me that as my birthday gift last year, he wrote in the card that I should put it beside my bed so I can use it easily. What is it for though?" Skye laid down on my bed like Patrick Star.

So she really didn't know what it was, I should use it on her in the future. "I'll tell you in the future. When is the last time you watched porn?"

"The one we watched together." Skye grabbed my fingers like how baby does and grabbed it tightly.

"That's a movie. A porn like from those website?" I laid beside her.

"Fourteen..? My first and last time. I don't like it, so you don't watch it too." She said and I nodded.

Skye was so pure, my purest baby.


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