Chapter 26

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I made my way back after getting a bottle of cold water for Skye. Her whole body was sweaty when her body finally relaxed after climaxing. I smiled as she presented to me the underside of her half hard dick when I entered the room. Technically she didn't present it to me but she laid there naked without covering herself.

The most important thing was, she had her eyes closed. What will happen if I put the bottle on her dick?

Grinning, I sticked the bottle to the underside of her dick. "Freak!" Skye yelled and hit the bottle away. Damn, Skye cursed. "What are you doing?" She sighed as she attempt to block her dick from me.

But of course she failed, because I grabbed it before she could. Skye hissed as we came in contact. Oopss... I used the hand that held the bottle. She grinded her teeth as I tried to make her fully hard again.

Sadly, the coldness didn't last long because she was rather warm as compared to my hand.

"Drink some water. I don't want you to dehydrate before we're done." I picked up the bottle from the floor and put it on her stomach, making her wince from the sudden change of temperature.

Once she opened it, she gulped down the water. My hands not stopping as she drank, almost causing her to choke on water.

"I'm going to try that." I pointed to her second drawer. "If you didn't know by now, it's a fun thing for what we are doing now and it may feel better than my hand." I explained vaguely. Skye nodded in response which meant she knew what it was for by now. "Of course, my hand should feel better for you." I whispered as I kissed her slowly before I start.

"Aaahh..." Skye made a sound as I poured the oil on her. "Don't... don't drip on the bed." She said.

I was going to jerk her off and yet her mind was thinking about her bed. I thought she was gonna say something like "don't stop or don't tease me". There was a serious need to make her forget about the bed. Putting the oil and fleshlight aside, I used my hand again, loving the feeling of her throbbing on my hand.

By the way, less than 30 minutes had gone by since we started. That was the only bad thing about her, she can't last long. Her longest timing was less than 10 minutes and her shortest was.... let's just keep it a secret.

Skye just kept moaning and thrusting her hips as I tried my best to make her feel good. After awhile, I grabbed the fleshlight and positioned its entrance by her dick, pushing down slowly. It was goddamn tight.

I slided it up and down about ten times when Skye tapped on my hand. "Ohhh.. god... Reyna I...I'm cl-close." Skye managed to say it out before it erupted, giving me a few seconds of preparation. I let go of her because she pulled my hands away, leaving the fleshlight around her dick, restricting her from letting go everywhere this time.

Glancing at the clock, I did the calculation mentally which didn't required much, she last 5 minutes this time.

I finally found the right thing to describe this show, a broken fire hydrant that pauses between spurts.

Skye seemed to drift off or maybe, passed out from her powerful orgasm. "Skye?" I called. She didn't reply other than her deep breaths.

I laughed at the awkward silence in our room and went to get a towel to clean her up. Oh, I remembered to bring her dirty boxers along too.

Once I cleaned up the things I could, like her cum on her body and my precious dick, I laid down beside her and started thinking. For the pleasure of Skye, I went to search for how can girls jerk guys off and found many comments by people who said that jerking off was tiring and their arms ached from it.

Well, one thing I knew for sure was that my arm wasn't tired or sore from it. I had always found stupid things interesting but getting her off was making me happy like I never had. Maybe it was because Skye was the person or it could be the dick that drew me to her.

It's definitely Skye. I love her.

Skye rolled to her side facing away from me, giving me the chance to make her the small spoon without letting her know. Grinning from ear to ear, I rolled on my side and hugged her, hand holding her dick.

I was guarding it. Mine.


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